Samurai Shodown Servered Arm

From 3DO World
Revision as of 00:56, 10 December 2024 by Elliogle (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This was listed on Ebay at the end of November in 2024. It was sold by the ex Project Manager from Crystal Dynamics responsible for the game, he quoted: "This is a super unique and rare promotional item custom made for PR kits to promote the 3DO version of samurai shodown. I was the the project manager for crystal dynamics responsible for samsho. My key selling point was that we could be more graphic or true to the arcade game with "arterial spray" and red blood. To...")
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This was listed on Ebay at the end of November in 2024. It was sold by the ex Project Manager from Crystal Dynamics responsible for the game, he quoted:

"This is a super unique and rare promotional item custom made for PR kits to promote the 3DO version of samurai shodown.

I was the the project manager for crystal dynamics responsible for samsho. My key selling point was that we could be more graphic or true to the arcade game with "arterial spray" and red blood. To really drive home the point, we commissioned a Hollywood prop person to make about 20 of these arms to add to press kits. Each one had a samurai shodown & crystal dynamics "tattoo" on the arm"
