Computer and Video Games Issue 181

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  • Full Name: Computer and Video Games Issue 181
  • Issue 181
  • Date December 1996
  • Region: UK
  • Barcode: 9770261 369086 12
  • Cover Disc No
  • Notes:


  • E3 Tokyo Preview (Page 48) - Small article in CVGs Checkpoint section, regarding the upcoming E3 Tokyo show, mentions it "hopes M2 is there"

Mail Bag

  • Letter titled "Secretly want an M2" (Page 14) -
  • Dear CVG,

I hope that you can, and will, help me. I have been awaiting the release of the N64 for 15 months (since seeing it in your mag in issue 163). But when I read in issue 178 that it is yet again to be delayed for Britain until April 97, I have decided I can wait no longer. So, with your help. I intend to buy an imported US machine when released. So could you please assist me and answer my questions? Will the N64 work on my TV which can accept NTSC video playback signal, and also on a TV with an S-Video 8-pin socket? Is N64's power and graphical capabilities a noticeable and substantial improvement over that of the PlayStation's? What is your opinion on the upcoming M2's capabilities, have you got any of its specs - ie what speed do its twin 602 processor CPUs run at. and what's its polygon count? Also, how do these compare to that of N64's? Kevin Thompson, Cumbria

  • CVG: The answer to all three N64 questions is 'yes'. As for M2, we published the

first ever screenshots of D2. from Warp, last issue. This month we hope to have brought you more inside information (see News, and New Games).

  • Note - There is no other information in the magazine



  • Telegames - Half page ad, more focused on Atari Jaguar and Lynx, but small mention it sells 3DO too (Page 80)
  • Special Reserve - Massive retail list with basically all platforms, 3DO section has about 15 games, and a Goldstar + FIFA, Wolfenstein and Powers Kingdoms and control pad for £109.99 (Page 97)


  • Editor - Paul Davies
  • Deputy Editor - Tom Guise
  • Art Editor - Jamie Smith
  • Senior Writer - Ed Lomas
  • Dep Art Editor - Mike Newson
  • Fwend - Phil Dawson
