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File:Electric_Playground_95_Battlesport_Review.png| Electric Playground 95 Battlesport Review
File:Electric_Playground_95_Battlesport_Review.png| Electric Playground 95 Battlesport Review
== Trailers ==
* 3DO Video Game Sampler 5 VHS

[[Category:3DO Games]]
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Latest revision as of 14:44, 19 September 2023


  • Full Name: BattleSport
  • Code:
  • Type: Sports
  • Developer: Cyclone Studios
  • Publisher: The 3DO Company
  • Language: English
  • Release Date: December, 1994
  • Region: NA
  • Barcode: 7 90561 02381 4
  • Local Title:
  • Rarity: 1
  • Notes: Need to double check the barcode


BattleSport is a 1996 futuristic sports video game developed by Cyclone Studios. It was originally published by Studio 3DO (the software division of The 3DO Company) exclusively for their 3DO Interactive Multiplayer in 1996

Game Play

Battlesport simulates the sport of the future. Choose your vehicle and enter the arena to face your computer opponents to see who scores the most goals before the clock runs out.

Scoring isn't easy. The ball constantly bounces over the arena, retrieved by a player constantly bombarded by opponents. A variety of weapons are available to shoot your competitor, and anyone that takes a hit while carrying the ball loses possession, sending the ball bouncing across the arena. Taking too many shots results in a temporary inability to take part in the action while your opponent happily scores goals.

Winning matches increases standing in the rankings and the acquisition of cash to purchase a better vehicle and enhanced offensive or defensive items.


Director Evan Margolin summarized the making of the game: We're all big action gamers here [at Cyclone Studios]. We wanted to create a fast-action, arena-based combat game and experimented with a 3D engine for it. When we got the basic engine up and running, the game was basically just about putting the ball into the goal, but when we started playing more, we found that people really want an opportunity to blast each other. One of the most difficult parts of design was getting a 3D engine with which we were satisfied. We didn't want to sacrifice speed, we wanted the game to be fast, and those were things we weren't willing to compromise on.

Near the end of 1996, Studio 3DO stated that a version of BattleSport for the Panasonic M2 was in development.


GamePro gave the 3DO version a recommendation. While they said the game is harder than it should be due to slippery controls and an overabundance of powerups to flip through, they felt the strong graphics, audio, and fast-paced gameplay "make this a game worth playing."[10] A reviewer for Next Generation gave the game an even stronger recommendation, praising the unique gameplay concept, exceptionally good polygon graphics by 3DO standards, huge variety of power-up items, and consistently smooth frame rate even in the multiplayer mode, which he was especially enthusiastic about: "As with any split-screen, having your view so vertically limited is distracting, but the sheer fun and excitement of competing in this game against another human player is incredible."

Though the 3DO version failed to reach a mass audience, it sold well enough to turn a profit.

Magazine Reviews

Name Date Region Rating Notes
3DO Magazine* Oct 95
100% Quite simply one of the best two-player games ever. The splitscreen action is blisteringly fast, with masses of weaponry and power-ups adding plenty of spice to 3D, goal-scoring action. 50+ levels and tough, varied opponents mean one-player action is brilliant too. The prospect of an M2 sequel is awsome.
Next Generation* Feb 96
Game Players* Feb 96
96% This is great stuff - yet another triumph for the ever-busy Studio 3DO.
The Electric Playground 1995
95% I wholeheartedly recommend you give this game a looksee, even if only to reconfirm your belief that the potential of video games as a complete entertainment is alive and well. Congratulations and a tip of the hat to Cyclone Studios and 3DO.
GamePro* Apr 96
80% It's fast and fun, but the slippery controls make things a little harder than they need to be. Also, this game uses so may different power-ups in certain stages that thumbing through them could cost you precious seconds. Still, superb sound and great graphics make this game worth playing.
Mega Fun* Feb 96
56% Vielleicht hat man es schon bei der Spielbeschreibung bemerkt, daß Battle Sport nicht gerade zu meinen Lieblingsspielen gehört. Die Grafik ist einfach zu dürftig ausgefallen, eine Arena gleicht der anderen fast aufs Haar und die lieblos gestalteten Feindsprites erinnern eher an Stahlklumpen als an schnittige “Sportpanzer“. Und warum hüpft jeder ausgeknipste Gegner mit der selben müden Kleinstexplosion über den Jordan? Mit dem Gameplay ist das auch so eine Sache: Motivieren konnte mich nur der Zwei-Spieler Modus, Schadenfreude ist halt doch die schönste Freude. Gegen den Computer lassen die fehlende Originalität und der mangelnde Abwechslungsreichtum wenig Freude aufkommen. Trotz der vielen Extras, die Ihr in Euren Panzer einbauen könnt, ist der Spaß am Spiel nach kurzer Zeit vorbei. Schade, daß aus so einer erfolgsversprechenden Spielidee nicht mehr herausgeholt wurde.
Computer and Video Games (CVG)* Mar 96
54% The two player mode helps to increase interest by being the best way to play the game by far, but again it doesn't last very long. The graphics and sound are good, but it's just the lack of excitement and the excess of frustration that ruin it. With the recent 3DO releases there are loads of better games you could get.
Video Games* Jan 96
51% Wie die Zeit doch vergeht und manche Softwarefirmen es noch immer versuchen, unter zeitgemäßer Aufmachung eine Uralt-Idee neu zu vermarkten! Was uns hier 3DO-Studio als innovatives Spielkonzept yorsetzt, gab es bereits vor 10 (!) Jahren auf den damaligen Home-Computern zu bewundern. Alte Hasen werden sich sicherlich noch an Ballblazer von Lucasarts erinnern können, das zur damaligen Zeit für Furore sorgte. Battlesports bietet zwar tonnenweise neue Features und schönere 3D-Arenen, doch im Grunde bleibt es beim alten: Tore schießen um jeden Preis, egal ob gegen Computer oder menschliche Gegner. Leider gibt sich die Steuerung etwas hakelig und mit der Übersicht ist es auch nicht zum besten bestellt. Wirklich schade!
  • - Need review page

Other Versions

After the 3DO was officially canned, Acclaim Entertainment published BattleSport for Windows and PS1 in North American on 30th June 1997 and in Europe on August 1st 1997. There was a US only release for the Saturn.

A sequel, BattleSport II, was planned for the Nintendo 64, Panasonic M2 and PlayStation, but never released.


  • Lead Programmers - Heli Burgess, Kerry Moffitt
  • Lead Artist - Maarten Kraaijvanger
  • Director - Evan Margolin
  • Game Design - Helmut Kobler, Evan Margolin
  • Producer - Rich Shane
  • Assistant Producer - Scott Walker
  • Additional Programming - Subha Ghoshal, Eddie Ruvinsky, Al Chang
  • Additional Design - Maarten Kraaijvanger, Michael A. Khoury, Jason Deal
  • Level Layout - Maarten Kraaijvanger, Michael A. Khoury, Jason Deal
  • Cinematic Animation - Todd Erickson
  • Cinematic Music - Todd Erickson
  • Sound Design - Todd Erickson
  • Additional Cinematic Modeling - Maarten Kraaijvanger
  • Storyboards - Todd Erickson, Helmut Kobler, Evan Margolin
  • Script Writing - Evan Margolin
  • Annoucer's Voice - David Kazanjian

Linked Titles



  • 3DO Video Game Sampler 5 VHS