Game Champ(KR) Issue Oct 1994

- Full Name: Game Champ Issue Oct 1994
- Issue October 1994
- Date October 1994
- Region: KR
- Barcode: N/A
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
- Goldstar Overview - Another generic report on the 3DO, has pictures of Super Street Fighter and Samurai Shodown but nothing else much (Page 89)
- Interview with Ecstasy Entertainment - Interview with the South Korean Indie developer, they mention the 3DO, but believe (If Google translate is correct!) that its only to admire their 3D engine and the two projects they are working on will hopefully match the 3DO's graphics. (Page 170)
- Policenauts - Page 116
- Doraemon - Page 116
- Samurai Showdown - Page 116
- Issuance and editor/Inseok Seo
- Editor -in -Chief/Joshin
- Team Leader/Joon Wan Kang
- Deputy Team Leader/Song Dong -seok, Lee Sang -yeop, Kim Jong -cheol, Woo Jong -min, Lee Jun -hyuk, Lee Won -hwa, all Lee, Jin -hong Kwon, Bum -sun Lee
- Telecommunications/Jeong Kwang -jin (Japan), Choi Hyung -cheol (US), Lee Nam -mi (France) Microclim
- Illustration/Jong -seok Jung
- Keigi - Full page with a Panasonic FZ-1 (among other consoles) (Page 26)
Goldstar Overview Feature
Interview with Ecstasy Entertainment Feature
Doraemon Preview
Policenauts Preview
Samuari Shodown Preview
Keigi Ad