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Revision as of 03:24, 16 July 2024 by Elliogle (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| style="float:right;border:1px solid b<big>lack" !colspan="2" | right|thumb |- ! Local Name | 株式会社博報堂 |- ! Company Type | Advertising |- ! Founded | October 6, 1895 |- ! Status | Trading |- ! Head Quarters | Tokyo, Japan |- ! Website | www.hakuhodo.co.jp |- |} ==3DO Games== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! Game ! Region ! Code ! Type ! Developer ! Publisher ! Release Date ! Local Title ! Rarity |- | Peter Frankl - Th...")
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Local Name 株式会社博報堂
Company Type Advertising
Founded October 6, 1895
Status Trading
Head Quarters Tokyo, Japan
Website www.hakuhodo.co.jp

3DO Games

Game Region Code Type Developer Publisher Release Date Local Title Rarity
Peter Frankl:The Tower of Puzzles
FZ-SJ5051 Adventure, Puzzle TBS Multimedia Hamlet Hakuhodo January 13, 1995 ピーター・フランクル パズルの塔 1
Theatre Wars: The Palace Of Entertainment
FZ-SJ0301 Business simulation game Scitron & Art Hamlet Hakuhodo 14th May 1994 娯楽の殿堂 3

3DO Overview

Hakuhodo appeared on the original Developer list in 1993. Even though a large multinational advertising firm, it looks like they delved into game publishing between 1994-2002 releasing several games on 3DO, Saturn and Playstation. Hamlet seems to be their distribution brand. (More research needed)


Hakuhodo Inc. (株式会社博報堂, Kabushiki-gaisha Hakuhōdō) is a Japanese advertising and public relations company owned by Hakuhodo DY Holdings. It is headquartered at Akasaka Biz Tower in Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo.


Hakuhodo is one of the oldest advertising agencies in Japan and was founded by Hironao Seki at Nihonbashi-Honshiroganecho, Tokyo, as an advertising space broker and wholesale distributor for educational magazines in October 1895.[3]

In 1910 the company broke from its obscurity by contracting to place front-page newspaper ads.

Their growth over the next few decades came from:

1937 to 1944: grew by absorbing other agencies. 1951: they created a radio advertising department 1953: a TV group. In 1996, Hakuhodo cofounded the DAC Consortium, a consolidated group of Japanese global media players investing in digital innovation.

In 2000, Hakuhodo created the joint-venture Hakuhodo-Percept with the Indian agency Percept to target the Indian advertising market. In December 2002, Hakuhodo launched the first advertising campaign where the Beckhams appeared together (displayed on billboard screens in Tokyo).

In October 2003 the company became part of the Hakuhodo DY Holdings after merging with other companies. Hakuhodo DY Holdings launched a unique media and entertainment company, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Inc., in 2003. In February 2009, Hakuhodo announced a partnership with US global public relations firm Ketchum.

Hakuhodo acquired the US-based companies SYPartners LLC and Red Peak Group LLC in May 2014, the US-based marketing company Digital Kitchen in June 2015, the Montreal-based creative agency Sid Lee in July 2015, and the Singapore-based agency Integrated Communications Group (ICG) in February 2017. The Japanese company purchased 30% of Palo Alto–based IDEO in February 2016.

On 28 February 2023 prosecutors formally indicted Hakuhodo, rival ad agency Dentsu, and four other companies on suspicion of bid rigging of contracts worth approximately ¥43.7 billion for the 2020 Summer Olympics. They were accused of lowering the competitiveness of their tenders. Dentsu had admitted to liability in voluntary questioning a few days earlier. The companies allegedly colluded with Yasuo Mori, a former senior Olympic official, who was arrested along with other suspects.