Ultimate Future Games Issue 1

- Full Name: Ultimate Future Games Issue 1
- Issue 1
- Date December 1994
- Region: UK
- Barcode: 9771355 728994 12
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
- Editors Notes (Page 6) - In the note about what they are looking forward to most in 1996, M2 appears claiming to be more powerful than the Nintendo 64, and are planning on releasing game footage in April. Also mentions further down as the "Unexpected" about Sega and M2 coming together.
- Christmas Buyers Guide (Page 9) - 3DO section in the Christmas buyers guide on what games to get for Xmas: 1- Need for Speed, 2- Space Hulk, 3- Road Rash, 4- Fifa Soccer, 5- John Madden Football
- 3DO Sell M2 to Matsushita (Page 10) - Article giving details of the fabled $100m sale of M2, the article also claims Japan was tough for the M1 machine, as well as Studio 3DO are working on a "range of titles" for M2s launch later in 1996
- The Incredible M2 (Page 11) - Article covering more of the known tech specs for M2, it does state that with the M2 programming tools, new software developers can produce M2 titles faster and more easily when developing for other consoles.
- How One Bloke Created This Dream (Pages 62-65) 4 Page feature on the 3DO (The magazine did features on all the new consoles this issue). Highlights include:
- How Sanyo and AT&T have committed to produce machines - Atari and American Laser Games to use 3DO in arcade machines - A UK tour (After a "somewhat controversial pre-UK launch") Was meant to have opened out in the shape of a giant 3DO and had 4 stops at the time confirmed - 3DO Saviour - Super Street Fighter 2 is arcade perfect and could be the reason why people buy a machine - Game previews - 10 Games previewed: John Madden, FIFA, Road Rash, Crash n Burn, Super Wing Commander, Twisted, Total Eclipse, Shock Wave, The Horde and Need for Speed
- Win a 3DO (Page 121) - Competition to win a 3DO and a copy of Demolition Man, You have to draw a picture of "someone harder than Sly Stallone"
- Magic Carpet (Page 32) - Magic Carpet preview for both 3DO and PC, PC version being due Nov, with 3DO "TBA" (Which of course never happens). Screenshots aren't confirmed if they are PC or 3DO
Game Title | Publisher | Reviewer | Pages | Pg No(s) | Rating |
Dragons Liar | ReadySoft | N/A | Half | 108 | 38% |
Fifa International Soccer | Electronic Arts | N/A | 3/4 | 118 | 89% |
Gridders | Tetragon | N/A | Quarter | 113 | 56% |
John Madden Football | Electronic Arts | N/A | Half page | 114-115 | 89% |
Mad Dog McCree 2 | American Laser Games | N/A | Half | 124 | 46% |
Road Rash | Electronic Arts | N/A | 1 | 104 | 90% |
Shadow War | Tribeca Digital Studio | N/A | Eighth | 112 | 44% |
Way of the Warrior | Universal Interactive | N/A | Eighth | 112 | 59% |
- Dragons Lair - Lifeless +Looks like a Cartoon -Plays like a bastard
- Fifa International - Mottylike +Ohh what an atmosphere -Some pointless viewpoints
- Gridders - Uninspiring +Vaguely interesting concept -Its a load of old blocks
- John Madden - Unsackable +Intensely playable -Occasional delay between (Note - Missing a word on the page)
- Road Rash - Exhilarating +Superb Sense of Speed -Tedious selection screens
- Shadow War - Awful +Top Introduction sequence -No playability = no fun
- Way of the Warrior - Avoidable +Charismatic "Real" Fighters -Not very original
- Zap - Full page ad, picture of consoles (Including 3DO), as well as 3 screenshots of 3DO games - Fifa, Need for Speed, Street Fighter and Off World Inceptor, no prices though (Page 102)
- loadeD Consoles - Small ad (Almost so small you cant read what they are selling!), Selling some imported 3DO games, and Japanese 3DO magazines for £24.99! (Page 119)
- Computer Exchange CEX - Small ad with 3DO logo amongst other console logos (Page 119)
- Game Zone - Small ad with 3DO logo amongst other console logos (Page 119)
- Torc - Small ad with mention they stock 3DO (Page 119)
- Video Game Centre - Small ad with mention they stock 3DO (Page 119)
- Computer Paradise - Small ad with mention they stock 3DO (Page 119)
- Deep Logic - Small ad with mention they stock 3DO (Page 119)
- Calculus - 2 Page spread, with 1 page being dedicated to 3DO (The other Jaguar), FZ-1 for £399.95 plus a selection of games (Including Powerslide) (Pages 128-129)
- I Wait Instead - Consumer writing in asking if he should wait for the "3DO 2" instead of buying the 3DO (Page 35):
I was thinking of getting a 3DO, but I heard recently that 3DO 2 was on its way. Should I wait for that Instead?
Simon Cook , Macclesfield, Cheshire
3DO 2 is actually an add-on, code- named Bulldog. This is a cart that you plug into the 3DO's expansion port, featuring the new Power PC chip as well as some specific polygon-type stuff.
This add-on has been designed to compete with the Saturn and the PlayStation, so if you love the 3DO anyway, you may as well buy it now and wait for the add-on.
Other 3DO mentions
- Page 6 - Staff Overview - On Brad Merrett's most eagerly awaited game, he has "Street Fighter 3 on the 3DO"
- Page 51 - Hot Sticky Blood Feature - Feature on some of the times bloodiest games, 3DO gets a mention via Road Rash with the body count "Right off the Scale", 3 other 3DO games are featured, but the version isnt mentioned - Samurai Shodown, Doom and Cannon Fodder
- Page 92 - Feature with the crew hanging out and playing fighting games - They play Way of the Warrior, not much is really said
- Ballz the Directorz Cut
These cheats should be entered during a fight. We've short- ened them by writing Left as 'L' Right as 'R', Up as 'U' and Down as 'D'.
Big Ballz - BALLLARDBALL Transparent Ballz - BALLBLURBALL Small Ballz - BALLRADARLULU Black and White Opponent - BALLBU\CBALLU Black and White Self - BALLDRABBALL
- Road Rash
Tommy Cox's favourite game this month has got this great weird happening in it. On the Peninsula track, level 2 or above, race through to 6.6 miles in. Now cross the barrier on the right and drive along into the cows to make them stand up and pose! Funnily enough, these are the only cows in the game that do this!
- Editor - Frank O'Connor
- Art Editor - Lam Tang
- Deputy Editor - Dave Golder
- Staff Writer - Marcus Hawkins
- Art Editor - Brad Merrett
Editor note on 1996
3DO Sells rights to Matsushita
The Incredible M2 Article
3DO Xmas buying guide
Bladeforce review
Killing Time review
Letter Chronicles of a 3DO consumer
Ballz Cheats
Road Rash Cheats
Gameplay Advert
Games FX Advert
Raven Games Advert
Special Reserve Advert
Torc Advert
Trico Consoles Advert
- UK Magazine
- Electronic Arts
- Bullfrog Productions
- ReadySoft
- Universal Interactive Studios
- Tribeca Digital Studios
- Magic Carpet
- John Madden Football
- Fifa International Soccer
- Road Rash
- Crash 'n Burn
- Super Wing Commander
- Twisted:The Game Show
- Total Eclipse
- Shock Wave
- The Horde
- The Need for Speed
- Dragons Lair
- Gridders
- Mad Dog McCree 2