Game Power(IT) Issue 41 Jul Aug 1995

- Full Name: Game Power(IT) Issue 41
- Issue 41
- Date August 1995
- Region: IT
- Barcode:
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
- Goldstar News - Article about Goldstars machine, and how they are going to be releasing games such as Primal Rage, Defcon 5 and the unreleased game Firewall (Page 16)
- M2 News - Basic overview of the M2 (Page 17)
- E3 - Report on that years E3, companies with 3DO titles - (Pages 28-37)
- EA - NHL Hockey, Wing Commander 3, Foes Of Ali, Psychic Detective, Shock Wave 2 and Prowler
- Virgin - 11th Hour, Creature Shock, Lost Eden, Dragon and Digital Dreamware
- Interplay - Waterworld, Kingdom The Far Reaches, Casper, Cyberia
- SSI - Deathkeep
- Mirage Media - Rise 2:Resurrection
- American Laser Games - Drug Wars, Space Pirates
- Psygnosis - Novastorm
- Time Warner Interactive - Primal Rage
- Art Data - Chess Wars, Doom
- Digital Pictures - Maximum Surge, Quarterback Attack
- JVC - Varunas Forces
- Williams - Mortal Kombat 3
- Making of Primal Rage - Two page spread on the making of the fighting game (Pages 60-61)
- Marketing Feature - 6 page feature about how marketing works in the gaming world, Trip and 3DO are mention, also a picture of the Goldstar M2 Prototype (Page 62-67)
Top 5
- 3DO Top 5 (Page 107)
- Shell Shock - This could be a typo, article is about the 32X version, but under the picture it has "Sheel Shock per 3DO" (Page 19)
- Slam N Jam - Quarter page preview (Page 21)
- Star Fighter - Quarter page preview (Page 21)
- Astrocomputer - Full page ad with a handful of games (Page 12)
- Arivivis - Full page ad with over 50 3DO games including unreleased 11th Hour, Dragon and Lemmings 3 (Page 48)
- Virtual Games - Full page ad with over 40 3DO games including unreleased titles Absolute Zero, Dino Blaze, Glory, Player of the Year and Star Trek (Page 74)
- Odis - Full page ad with a 3DO logo (Page 85)
- Computer One - Full page ad with mention they sell 3DO (Page 93)
- Console Games - Half page ad with about 15 games for sale (Page 94)
- Goemon - Half page ad with mention they sell 3DO (Page 94)
- Troiani - Half page ad with 11th Hour (Page 105)
[[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]]
- Mega Direttore Indispensabile - Riccardo "Rical" Albini
- Garante Di Produzione - Alberto "Alkross" Rossetti
- (S)Coordinamento Editoriale - Benedetta "Anita" Torrani
- Collaboratrici Di Redazione - Franca "4 Mariti e 8 Amanti" Badioli, Serena "Enzo, ma come hai fatto" Rubini
Goldstar News
M2 News
E3 Report - American Laser Games
E3 Report - Art Data
E3 Report - Digital Pictures
E3 Report - EA
E3 Report - Interplay
E3 Report - JVC
E3 Report - Mirage Media
E3 Report - Psygnosis
E3 Report - SSI
E3 Report - Time Warner Interactive
E3 Report - Virgin Interactive
E3 Report - Williams
M2 Marketing Feature
Primal Rage Feature
Top 5
Shell Shock Preview
Slam N Jam Preview
Star Fighter Preview
Arivisis Ad
Astrocomputer Ad
Computer One Ad
Console Games Ad
Goemon Ad
Odis Ad
Troiani Ad
Virtual Games Ad
- Italian Magazine
- M2
- Goldstar
- E3
- American Laser Games
- Art Data
- Core Design
- Crystal Dynamics
- Digital Picture
- Electronic Arts
- Interplay Productions
- Krisalys
- Mirage Media
- Psygnosis
- Time Warner Interactive
- Virgin Interactive
- Williams
- Casper
- Creature Shock
- Cyberia
- Deathkeep
- Digital Dreamware
- Doom
- Drug Wars
- Foes Of Ali
- Lost Eden
- Kingdom The Far Reaches
- Novastorm
- Primal Rage
- Psychic Detective
- Quarterback Attack
- Shock Wave 2
- Slam N Jam
- Space Pirates
- Star Fighter
- Wing Commander 3
- 11th Hour
- Absolute Zero
- Chess Wars
- DinoBlaze
- Dragon
- Glory
- Lemmings 3
- Maximum Surge
- Mortal Kombat 3
- NHL Hockey
- Player of the Year
- Prowler
- Rise 2 Resurrection
- Shell Shock
- Star Trek
- Varunas Forces
- Waterworld