Generation 4(FR) Issue 69 Sept 1994

- Full Name: Generation 4(FR) Issue 67
- Issue 67
- Date June 1994
- Region: FR
- Barcode: M 4681 - 67
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
Research Notes
- Mentions Jurassic Park being review but doesnt appear
- 3DO Gets Teeth - Full page article about the Bulldog (M2) upgrade, will be an expansion plus backwards compatible. Also states about the current generation and how Goldstar, Sanyo and Samsung, with its build in VCD player will be on sale soon, pictures of both the Samsung and Goldstar in the article (Page 24)
- CES Chicago - 3DO General News - Small overview of 3DO at the show, Goldstar showing off their machine, which is "Directly equipped" with a digital video card, Sanyo also had their machine. (Page 54)
- CES Chicago - 3DO Blaster News - News on the 3DO Blaster, stating it will run on as low as a machine as the 386 (Page 55)
- CES Chicago - Action Games - Games for the 3DO Include Cadillac and Dinosaurs (Rocket Science), Loadstar (Rocket Science), Off World Interceptor (Crystal Dynamics), PaTaank (PF Magic) (Pages 56 & 57)
- CES Chicago - Shooter Games - Games for the 3DO Include Creature Shock (Virgin), Crime Patrol (American Laser Games), Drug Wars (American Laser Games), Demolition Man (Virgin), Mad Dog 2 (American Laser Games), Return Fire (Silent Software), Space Pirates (American Laser Games) (Pages 58 & 59)
- CES Chicago - Platform Games - Games for the 3DO Include Flashback (US Gold), Gex (Crystal Dynamics) (Page 60)
- CES Chicago - Beat em up Games - Games for the 3DO Include Rise Of The Robots (Mirage), Samurai Shodown (Crystal Dynamics), Shadow (Tribeca Studios), Way Of The Warrior (Naughty Dog) (Page 62)
- CES Chicago - Adventure Games - Games for the 3DO Include 11th Hour (Virgin), BIOS Fear (Sense Net), Kingdom The Far Reaches (Interplay Productions), Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes (Electronic Arts), Star Trek The Next Generation (Spectrum Holobyte) (Pages 63-67)
- CES Chicago - FPS Games - Games for the 3DO Include Virtuoso (Elite Systems) (Page 69)
- CES Chicago - RPG Games - Games for the 3DO Include Slayer (SSI) (Page 70)
- CES Chicago - Simulation Games - Games for the 3DO Include Flying Nightmares (Domark), VR Stalker (American Laser Games) (Page 71)
- CES Chicago - Sport Games - Games for the 3DO Include FIFA (Electronic Arts), Jammit (GTE Interactive), Need For Speed (Electronic Arts), Power Slide (Elite Systems), World Cup Golf (US Gold) (Page 73)
- CES Chicago - Strategy Games - Games for the 3DO Include Theme Park (Electronic Arts) (Pages 74-75)
Game Title | Publisher | Reviewer | Pages | Pg No(s) | Rating |
Alone In The Dark | Interplay Productions | N/A | Small Article | 76 | 80% |
Gridders | Tetragon | N/A | Small Article | 78 | 62% |
Burning Soldier | Panasonic | Thierry Falcoz | 2 | 96-97 | 84% |
Shock Wave | Electronic Arts | Olivier Canou | 2 | 106-107 | 85% |
Powers Kingdom | Panasonic | Thierry Falcoz | 1 | 120 | 82% |
- Alone In The Dark - Cette version 3DO est inférieure à celle sur PC. La 3D est moins fine et les personnages légèrement flous.
- Gridders - Un jeu malgré tout vite répétitifet assezénervant.
- Burning Soldier - C'est sans conteste le meilleur jeu de tir sur 3DO et surtoutes machines confondues.
- Shock Wave - li est dur mais super! Une vitesse d'animations impressionnante, sans rendre le jeu injouable, des scènes cinématiques qui vous font vivre l'histoire, des méchants à gogo toujours plus vicieuxet des bruitages plus vrais que nature.
- Power Kingdom - Powers Kingdom ne brille pas au premier contact visuel. Après 30 minutes de jeu et lorsque l'essentiel des menus japonais est assimilé, le jeu devient franchement passionnant.
- Micromania - Two page ad, with 3DO covering about a quarter of it and 10 games (Pages 18 & 19)
- JFP Import - Full page ad with about 25 games for sale including Dragon Ball Z, Galaxian 2 and Scavenger 4 (Page 25)
- Score Games - Full page ad with about 30 games including Dragon Ball Z (Page 121)
- Funware - Full page ad with 10 games for sale including Bioforge (Page 145)
- Directeur adjoint des rédactions : Stéphane Lavoisard.
- Rédacteur en chef: Didier Latil.
- Rédacteur en chef adjoint : Olivier Canou.
- Secrétaire de rédaction : Gilles Sauer.
- Rédacteur: Thieny Falcoz et Yann Renouard
- Ont participé à ce numéro : Michel Houng, David Lichentin, Anne-Karine Denoble, Aurélien Vachette.
3DO Gets Teeth News
CES Chicago - 3DO Blaster News
CES Chicago - 3DO General News
CES Chicago - Action Games
CES Chicago - Adventure Games Part 1
CES Chicago - Adventure Games Part 2
CES Chicago - Adventure Games Part 3
CES Chicago - Beat em up Games
CES Chicago - FPS Games
CES Chicago - Platform Games
CES Chicago - RPG Games
CES Chicago - Shooter Games
CES Chicago - Simulation Games
CES Chicago - Sports Games
CES Chicago - Strategy Games
Alone In The Dark Review
Burning Soldier Review
Gridders Review
Powers Kingdom Review
Shock Wave Review
Funware Ad
JPF Import Ad
Micromania Ad
Score Games Ad
- French Magazine
- M2
- 3DO Blaster
- Goldstar
- Panasonic
- Sanyo
- Samsung
- CES Chicago 1994
- American Laser Games
- Crystal Dynamics
- Domark
- Electronic Arts
- Elite Systems
- GTE Interactive
- Mirage
- Naughty Dog
- PF Magic
- Rocket Science
- Sense Net
- Silent Software
- Spectrum Holobyte
- Tetragon
- Tribeca Studios
- US Gold
- Virgin Interactive
- Alone In The Dark
- Burning Soldier
- Creature Shock
- Crime Patrol
- Drug Wars
- Demolition Man
- Flashback
- Flying Nightmares
- Gex
- Gridders
- Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes
- Jammit
- Kingdom The Far Reaches
- Mad Dog 2
- Need For Speed
- Off World Interceptor
- PaTaank
- Powers Kingdom
- Return Fire
- Rise Of The Robots
- Samurai Shodown
- Shadow
- Shock Wave
- Slayer
- Space Pirates
- Theme Park
- Virtuoso
- VR Stalker
- Way Of The Warrior
- World Cup Golf
- 11th Hour
- Bioforge
- BIOS Fear
- Cadillac and Dinosaurs
- Dragon Ball Z
- Galaxian 2
- Loadstar
- Power Slide
- Scavenger 4
- Star Trek The Next Generation