3DO Games(n)

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N Total - 19 Releases

Game Region Code Type Developer Publisher Release Date Local Title Rarity
N.O.B.: Neo Organic Bioform
IMP-SK1203 Dungeon crawl, Role-playing game, Strategy Octagon Entertainment Sanyo December 15, 1995 1
Nais How's 1 - Front How's '95-'96
TP-MEW02 Non-game A&i Games,National Human Electronics A&i Games,National Human Electronics January 8, 1995 1
Naoko to Hide Bo: Sans no Tensai 1
IMP-SI0401 Non-game, Edutainment Gakuman Gakuman March 10, 1995 ナオコとヒデ坊 算数の天才1 和と差の文章題・つるカメ算パートⅠ(物々交換の巻) 1
Naoko to Hide Bo: Sans no Tensai 2
IMP-SI0402 Non-game, Edutainment Gakuman Gakuman March 10, 1995 ナオコとヒデ坊 算数の天才2 速さの文章題・通過算パートⅠ 1
Naoko to Hide-bou: Kanji no Tensai 1: Bushu-hen, Bushu no Namae ga Tanoshii Chou Kioku-hou
IMP-SI0403 Non-game, Edutainment Gakuman Gakuman March 10, 1995 ナオコとヒデ坊 漢字の天才1 部首編・部首の名前が楽しい超記憶法 1
National/Panasonic Collection
LH-JJ73DO00 Non-game Panasonic Panasonic 1994 ソフト National/Panasonicコレクション 1
NeuroDancer: Journey Into the Neuronet!
Action, Adult, Maze Electric Dreams Inc PIXIS Interactive 1994 1
New How's 1 - Front How's '94-'95
TP-MEW01 Non-game A&i Games,National Human Electronics A&i Games,National Human Electronics 1994 1
NFL Madden Football
FZ-SJ1652 Sports High Score Productions Electronic Arts Victor 28th May 1994 NFL マッデン フットボール 1
Nice Body All-Star Suiei Taikai
FZ-SJ5852 Casino, Eroge BrainBusters,East Wind Corporation Fuji Television May 19, 1995 1
Night Trap
Interactive movie Digital Pictures Virgin Interactive 1994 1
Night Trap
Interactive movie Digital Pictures Virgin Interactive 1994 1
Night Trap
FZ-SJ1951 Interactive movie Digital Pictures Virgin Interactive 25th June 1994 ナイト・トラップ 1
Nishimura Kyotaro Travel Mystery: The Season of Evil: Tokyo to Nanki Shirahama Serial Murders
FZ-SJ0403 Adventure Tose Pack+in-Video,Panasonic November 25, 1994 西村京太郎トラベル・ミステリー 悪逆の季節 東京~南紀白浜連続殺人事件 1
Nobunaga's Ambition - Legend of the Overlord
FZ-SJ2851 Strategy Koei Koei September 16, 1994 信長の野望・覇王伝 1
Rail shooter Psygnosis Psygnosis 1994 1
FZ-SJ0156 Rail shooter Psygnosis Psygnosis October 7, 1994 ノバ・ストーム 1