GamerPro(UK) Issue 1

- Full Name: GamerPro (UK) Issue 1
- Issue 1
- Date July 1995
- Region: UK
- Barcode: 9771358 753009 07
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
- Digital Pictures Signs Mike Ditka (Page 15) - Small mention in the "At the Deadline..." section, about Digital Pictures signing up Mike Ditka for a new game Quarterback Attack
- E3 Report - Pages 56-63 - Report about E3, starts with a rather long worded article over 3 pages, within it, it mentions 3DO gets games like Daedalus Encounter, Ballz, BIOSFear and Cyberdillo. The article then breaks down each publisher on what they are working on:
-Absolute Entertainment Showing the ill fated Penn and Tellers Smoke and Mirrors (Featuring guests like Deborah Harry and Lou Reed) -American Laser Games had Space Pirates...and the unreleased Madison High -Crystal Dynamics only had Gex at the show -Domark showed off the never to be released Absolute Zero, a "Sci-Fi action game with flying elements" -EA Sports Foes of Ali and PGA were on show as was NHL Hockey -Electronic Arts were showcasing Psychic Detective, Space Hulk, ShreadFest, Wing Commander 3 and Shock Wave 2 - Gametek for 3DO had Quarantine and Air Cavalry which scored top E3 billing (I think Air Cavalry was a typo, the game was released for SNES around this time) - Goldstar were lining up 3DO games, but none mentioned - Interplay had Kingdom, Alone in the Dark 2, Waterworld and Casper - 3DO were showing of its infamous M2 unveiling - Studio 3DO had Bladeforce, Killing Time and The All New Peoples Game Show...which later got renamed to Zhadnost - Time Warner Interactive showed of Primal Rage on every platform
- Hot at the Arcades Feature - Pages 64-67 - Feature around the latest arcade games, feature's American Laser Games, Mazer, which is powered by a 3DO "in the cabinet"
- Brain Dead 13 (Page 79) - Half page article covering the upcoming release of Brain Dead 13
Game Title | Publisher | Reviewer | Pages | Pg No(s) | Rating |
Gex | Crystal Dynamics | Tommy Gilde | 2 | 20-21 | 75% |
- Gex - Gex is one little lizard who really puts the FunFactor back into the platform-action genre. If more games like this were available for the 3DO, more people would own the system.
- Datel Direct - Full page ad, with small section with a picture selling the Logic 3 3DO pad (Page 31)
- Fire International - Full page ad, with small 3DO section selling 5 games, as well as its own branded 3DO controllers (Page 33)
- Next Generation Specialists - Half page ad, with a US 3DO for sale + 2 games for £450 (Page 97)
- Megga Games - Quarter page ad with small mention they sell imported 3DO's (Page 97)
- Colin Dimond Consoles - Small ad with barely readable writing on the 5 games they are selling for 3DO (Page 134)
- Console Connections - Small ad with 2 games, 2 different consoles and some controllers for sale (Page 134)
- Next Generation Consoles - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO games (Page 134)
- Planet Consoles - Small retail ad with 3DO logo (Page 134)
- Loaded Consoles - Small retail ad with some consoles for sale (Page 134)
- Video Game Centre - Small retail ad with 7 3DO games for sale (Syndicpkate...) and 1 controller (Page 134)
- Visions - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO games (Page 135)
- The Chip Shop - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO games (Page 135)
- Wild Consoles - Small ad with about 12 games for sale (Page 135)
- Next Generation - Small ad with about 15 games for sale (Page 135)
- Hailwood Software - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO games (Page 135)
- Torc - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO games (Page 135)
- Arcadia - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO games (Page 135)
- GameShack - Half page ad with 5 3DO games for sale (Page 139)
- GamePlay - Full page ad with 25+ 3DO games, including unreleased ones like Dragon and 11th Hour (Page 147)
- Page 116 Way of the Warrior
- Page 127 - Shock Wave
- Page 128 - Super Street Fighter 2
- Editor - Jay Sharpies
- Deputy Editor - Paul McNally
- Staff Writer - Biff
- Art Editor - Jim Eagers
- Production - Neil Jackson
Quarterback Attack News
3DO E3 Feature
Absolute Entertainment E3 Feature
American Laser Games E3 Feature
Crystal Dynamics E3 Feature
Domark E3 Feature
EA Sports E3 Feature
EA E3 Feature
GameTek E3 Feature
Goldstar E3 Feature
Interplay E3 Feature
Studio 3DO E3 Feature
Time Warner Interactive E3 Feature
Mazer Hot at the Arcades Feature
Brain Dead 13 Preview
Gex Review
Demolition Man Tips
Shock Wave Tips
Super Street Fighter 2 Tips
Way of the Warrior Tips
Arcadia Ad
Colin Dimond Consoles Ad
Consoles Connections Ad
Datel Direct Ad
Fire International Ad
GamePlay Ad
GameShack Ad
Hailwood Software Ad
Loaded Consoles Ad
Megga Games Ad
New Generation Consoles Ad
Next Generation Ad
Next Generation Specialists Ad
Planet Consoles Ad
The Chip Shop Ad
Torc Ad
Video Game Centre Ad
Visions Ad
Wild Consoles Ad
- UK Magazine
- M2
- Digital Pictures
- Panasonic
- Absolute Entertainment
- American Laser Games
- Crystal Dynamics
- Domark Software
- Electronic Arts
- GameTek
- Goldstar(LG)
- Interplay Productions
- Studio 3DO
- Time Warner Interactive
- Readysoft
- Quarterback Attack
- Daedalus Encounter
- Ballz
- Cyberdillo
- Space Pirates
- Gex
- Foes of Ali
- PGA Tour Golf
- Psychic Detective
- Space Hulk
- Wing Commander 3
- Shock Wave 2
- Quarantine
- Alone in the Dark 2
- Casper
- Kingdom The Far Reaches
- Bladeforce
- Killing Time
- Zhadnost
- Mazer
- Primal Rage
- Brain Dead 13
- Way of the Warrior
- Shock Wave
- Super Street Fighter II
- BiosFear
- Penn and Tellers Smoke and Mirrors
- Madison High
- Absolute Zero
- NHL Hockey
- ShreadFest
- Air Cavalry
- Waterworld
- 7th Guest II: 11th Hour, The
- Dragon