VideoGames Magazine(US) Issue 74 Mar 1995
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- Full Name: VideoGames Magazine(US) Issue 74 Mar 1995
- Issue 74
- Date March 1995
- Region: US
- Barcode: 0 74666 50080 8 03
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
- 3DO Gets Aggressive - Small article bringing up several factors, first is about the packin options with Goldstar and Panasonics machine, the 2nd is the "3DO TV" is in the planning stage and the M2 will be out by the Fall of 95 with 6 launch titles....(Page 18)
- Return Fire - Game Of The Show - Return Fire gets the nod at CES 1995 (Pager 18)
- CES Winter 1995 Games Overview - Selection of 3DO Games on show including: Quartatine, Hell, Flashback, Dyno Park Tycoon, 3D Atlas, Flying Nightmares, Drug Wars, Theme Park, The Perfect General, Daedalus Encounter, Pyramid Intruder, D, POed, Kingdom, Shanghai and Cyberia. And the unreleased Star Trek The Next Generation, Dinoblaze and Duelin Firemen as well as Policenauts (Which still dont know if this was a US demo or the Japanese game) (Page 54)
- Runnin with RunAndGun - Small Article that the editors hungout with the RunAndGun guys, looks like Duellin Firemen had its own stand with the game on show (Page 55)
- VideoGames Best of 94 - 4 page Feature almost like an "Awards", 3DO gets the following (Pages 44-47):
- Best 3DO Game - FIFA
- Best Games By Genre - FIFA (Sports), Shock Wave (Shooter), Street Fighter 2 (Fighting), Star Control 2 (Adventure), The Horde (Strategy)
- Best New Hardware - Goldstar 3DO
- The Top Ten Worst - 3DO has the following in the section: Jammit and Shadow
Game Title | Publisher | Reviewer | Pages | Pg No(s) | Rating |
Supreme Warrior | Digital Pictures | Gabe Soria | 1 | 72 | 5 |
Star Wars Rebel Assault | Lucasarts | Gabe Soria | 1 | 73 | 9 |
The Need For Speed | Electronic Arts | Jim Loftus | 1 | 74 | 7 |
Drug Wars | American Laser Games | N/A | Small Review | 84 | 9 |
Family Feud | GameTek | N/A | Small Review | 84 | 7 |
Station Invasion | Studio 3DO | N/A | Small Review | 84 | 6 |
ESPN Lets Play Soccer | Intelliplay | N/A | Small Review | 84 | 6 |
World Cup Golf | US Gold | N/A | Small Review | 84 | 5 |
Waialae Country Club | T&E Soft | N/A | Small Review | 92 | 8 |
- Supreme Warrior - I wouldn't have complained a bit. If the game was a balanced mix between a video game and ultra-cool live action Kung Fu, I would've kissed the CD and adopted it. Come on Digital Pictures, we wouldn't have been upset if some of the game wasn't FMV.
- Star Wars Rebel Assault - The fact that this game is so great gives me hope that Lucasarts will soon see the 3DO as a viable platform for future games.
- The Need For Speed - If you own a 3DO and don't add this game to your collection, you're really missing out. It's not perfect, but it feels so real, you won't care! ((And, man…being able to finally drive that Ferrari doesn't hurt, either!)
- Drug Wars - Crime Patrol is an excellent shooter! You may remember other American Laser Games games like Mad Dog McCree, Who Shot Johnny Rock? and Space Pirates. Crime Patrol is the best yet!
- Family Feud - Gametek's Family Feud boasts over 4,000 new survey questions and answers taken from the actual television show. And some of them are toughies.
- Station Invasion - The puzzles are very simplistic, good perhaps for a very young audience. The most interesting show is the soap opera, Sundaes of Our Lives.
- ESPN Lets Play Soccer - The repartee is pretty yawn inspiring. But they do offer a lot of information. All the basics for defensive and offensive strategies and theory. As well as specific instructions on stance, angling, channeling, etc. This is an interactive instructional CD
- World Cup Golf - There are better golf games for 3DO. World Cup Golf Hyatt Dorado Beach is just difficult to use. The shot display, or the shot dialogue box, includes control arrows, power meter, sweet spot, swing meter, and tolerance zone. The interface is not very user-friendly.
- Waialae Country Club - Waialae Country Club is one of a series of amazingly realistic golf simulation games that allow you to play great golf courses all over the world.
- Off World Interceptor - Page 29
- Way Of The Warrior - Page 36-37
- Brain Dead 13 - Full page ad (Page 61)
- Play It Again - Quarter page ad with small mention they sell 3DO (Page 20)
- Publisher - Larry Flint
- President - Jim Kohls
- Corporate Vice-President - Donna Hahner
- Associate Editor - Betty Hallock
- Executive Editor - Chris Bieniek
- Editor in Chief - Chris Gore
- Senior Editor - Nikos Constant
- Associate Editor - Gabe Soria
3DO Gets Aggressive News
CES Winter 1995 - 3DO Games
Return Fire Game Of The Show News
Runnn With RunAndGun News
VideoGames Best Of 94 Feature Part 1
VideoGames Best Of 94 Feature Part 2
Crime Patrol Review
ESPN Lets Play Soccer Review
Family Feud Review
Star Wars Rebel Assault Review
Station Invasion Review
Supreme Warrior Review
The Need For Speed Review
Waialae Country Club Review
World Cup Golf Review
Off World Interceptor Tips
Way Of The Warrior Tips
Brain Dead 13 Ad
Play It Again Ad
- US Magazine
- 3DO TV
- M2
- Winter CES 1995
- American Laser Games
- Brain Dead 13
- Digital Pictures
- Electronic Arts
- GameTek
- Goldstar
- Intelliplay
- Lucasarts
- Panasonic
- RunAndGun
- Studio 3DO
- US Gold
- 3D Atlas
- Cyberia
- D
- Daedalus Encounter
- Drug Wars
- Dyno Park Tycoon
- ESPN Lets Play Soccer
- Family Feud
- Flashback
- Flying Nightmares
- Hell
- Jammit
- Kingdom
- Off World Interceptor
- POed
- Policenauts
- Pyramid Intruder
- Quartatine
- Return Fire
- Shadow
- Shanghai
- Shock Wave
- Star Control 2
- Star Wars Rebel Assault
- Station Invasion
- Street Fighter 2
- Supreme Warrior
- Theme Park
- The Horde
- The Need For Speed
- The Perfect General
- Waialae Country Club
- Way Of The Warrior
- World Cup Golf
- Dinoblaze
- Duelin Firemen
- Star Trek The Next Generation