Video Games(DE) Issue 12-95
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- Full Name: Video Game Issue 12-95
- Issue 12-95
- Date December 1995
- Region: DE
- Barcode: 4391062 305803 12
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
- 1995 Review - Top 10 3DO Games - Page 20 - Highest rated games of 1995 for the 3DO
Game Title | Publisher | Reviewer | Pages | Pg No(s) | Rating |
Daedalus Encounter | Panasonic | Jan Barysch | Page and half Review | 28-29 | 66% |
- Daedalus Encounter - So fasziniert man beimersten Mal ist, so wenig Motivation findet sich für ein zweites Durchspielen. Höchstens bei Szene 32 nocheinmal einzusteigen und ein anderes Ende auszuprobieren, kann noch ein bißchen reizen. Alles in allem ist Daedalus Encounter ein superschöner und stimmungsvoller Computerfilm mit ausgefeiltem Drehbuch - aber hundert Mark dafür? .
- AB Games - Full page ad with about 10 3DO games (Page 11)
- Traumfabrik - Half page ad with very small writing, mentions they are selling NHL Hockey, Waterworld and WWF The Arcade Game (Page 15)
- Order In Time - Full page Ad, with about 20 3DO Games including NHL (Page 21)
- Galaxy - Quarter page ad with 5 3DO games for sale including NHL (Page 25)
- Highway to Hell - Half page ad with very small writing on all the games they sell (Bizarre format too), Unreleased 3DO games include 11th Hour, Alien Trilogy, Blackthorne, Clay Fighter 2, Cyberclash, Descent, Dungeon Master 2, Links Golf, Magic Carpet, NBA Live, NHL Hockey, Rayman, Rock n Roll Racing, Sim City 2000, Snatcher, Solar Eclipse, Spot Goes to Hollywood, Star Trek The Next Generation, Street Fighter The Animated Movie and Urban Strike. (Page 25)
- Dynatex - Small ad with mention they sell about 30 3DO games (Page 29)
- Arjay - Full page ad with about 5 3DO games (Page 33)
- High Score Games - Full page Ad with about 12 3DO games for sale including NHL Hockey (Page 39)
- Hall Of Games - Half page ad with about 3 games for sale (Page 43)
- Gameexpress - Half page ad with 12 3DO games for sale including NHL Hockey, Lost Vikings 2 and Waterworld (Page 43)
- Realtime - Quarter page ad with about 5 3DO games for sale (Page 45)
- Wolfsoft - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO (Page 47)
- Magic Entertainment Center - Quarter page ad with with mention they sell 3DO Games (Page 51)
- Ankauf & Verkauf - Quarter page ad with mention they sell 3DO Games (Page 53)
- Gamers Point - Small ad with 10 3DO games for sale including Clayfighter 2, Descent, Waterworld, Lost Vikings 2 and NHL Hockey (Page 57)
- Test N Take - Half page ad with 10 3DO games for sale including NHL Hockey (Page 59)
- Gamestore - Half page ad with 15 3DO games for sale including 11th Hour, Descent, NHL 96, Absolute Zero (Page 69)
- Cybersoft - Full page ad with 20 3DO games including Clayfighter 2, Descent, Lost Vikings 2, Magic Carpet, NHL Hockey and Wateworld (Page 75)
- Gamebusters - Half page ad with 20 3DO games including Clayfighter 2, Descent, Lost Vikings 2, Magic Carpet and Wateworld (Page 83)
- Freaks Shop - Full Page Ad with a mention they sell 3DO hardware (Page 85)
- Versand Und Laden - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO (Page 89)
- King Games - Half page ad with 4 3DO games for same, including 11th Hour (Page 89)
- Chefredaktion - Hartmut Ulrich
- Chefin vom Dienst - Thea Ziebarth
- Redaktion - Jan Barysch, Tetsuhiko Hara, Ralph Karels, Manfred Neumayer, Dirk Sauer, Wolfgang Schaedle, Robert Zengerle
3DO Top 10 Games of 1995 Feature
Daedalus Encounter Review
A B Games Ad
Ankauf & Verkauf Ad
Arjay Ad
Cybersoft Ad
Dynatex Ad
Freaks Shop Ad
Galaxy Ad
Game Express Ad
Gamebusters Ad
Gamers Point Ad
Gamestore Ad
Hall Of Games Ad
High Score Games Ad
Highway To Hell Ad
King Games Ad
Magic Entertainment Center Ad
Order In Time Ad
Realtime Ad
Test N Take Ad
Traumfabrik Ad
Versand Und Laden Ad
- German Magazine
- Panasonic
- Daedalus Encounter
- Waterworld
- Alien Trilogy
- Blackthrone
- Clayfigther 2
- Cyberclash
- Dungeon Master 2
- Links Golf
- Magic Carpet
- NBA Live
- NHL Hockey
- Rayman
- Rock and Roll Racing
- Sim City 2000
- Snatcher
- Solar Eclipse
- Spot Goes To Hollywood
- Star Trek The Next Generation
- Street Fighter Animated Movie
- Urban Strike
- Descent
- Lost Vikings 2
- Batman Forever
- NBA Jam
- Rapid Reload
- WWF The Arcade Game
- Absolute Zero
- 7th Guest II: 11th Hour, The