Video Games(DE) Issue 3-95
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- Full Name: Video Game Issue 3-95
- Issue 3-95
- Date March 1995
- Region: DE
- Barcode: 4391062 305803 03
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
- Winter CES 94 Show - Even though the headline says "94" I actually think this is a typo as it would of been held in Jan 95. (Note - Some games in the article are classed as being made for "32 and/or 64 Bit", but I haven't included these unless specifically mentioning 3DO) (Page 6-20)
Activision - Shanghai Triple Threat, Return to Zork, Planetfall, The Great Game, Zork:Nemesis (Page 10)
Core Design - Scottish Open, Thunderhawk (Page 12)
Taito - Pyramid Intruder (Page 18)
Time Warner Interactive - Primal Rage (Page 18)
US Gold - World Cup Golf (Page 20)
Mindscape - Panzer General (Page 20)
3DO - Wing Commander 3, Killing Time, POed, Daedalus Encounter, Myst, Star Trek The Next Generation, Panzer General, Kingdom The Far Reaches, Dragons Lair, Braindead 13, Space Ace, Dragons Lair 2, Theme Park, Flashback, Drug Wars, Space Pirates, Flying Nightmares, FZ10 and the M2 (Pages 32-33)
- Blizzard Interactive Interview - Brief mention about the 3DO hasnt got a bright future (Along with 32X and Jaguar), and they are basically hedging their bets with N64.
- Return Fire (Pages 34) - Full Page preview
- Galaxy - Quarter page ad with about 10 3DO games for sale (Page 11)
- Traumfabrik - Half page ad with very small writing, unreleased games include Dune 2, Dungeon Master, EA Tennis, NHL Hockey, Star Trek Next Generation and Zool 2 (Page 29)
- Gamefan - Quarter page ad with 3 3DO games for sale (Page 29)
- Tradelink - Half page ad with 20 3DO games for sale (Page 41)
- Jump N Run - Full page ad with a handful of 3DO Consoles for sale (Page 47)
- Highway to Hell - Half page ad with very small writing on all the games they sell (Bizarre format too), Unreleased 3DO games include Blackthrone, Clay Fighter 2, Cyberclash, Cyber Sled, Dragon, Dungeon Master 2, Jurassic Park 2, Lemmings 2, Links Golf, Loadstar, Might & Magic 3, NBA Live, NHL Hockey, Rock n Roll Racing, Sim City 2000, Slam City, Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Starfleet Academy, Urban Strike and Viewpoint. (Page 49)
- Coole Preise - Quarter page ad with 10 3DO games for sale including Powerslide (Page 50)
- Wolfsoft - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO (Page 51)
- Metropolis - Full page ad with about 10 3DO games for sale including Micro Machines (Page 63)
- Games Garden - Small page ad with 5 3DO games for sale (Page 67)
- Gamebusters - Full page ad with a section of 30 3DO games for sale including unreleased titles Duellin Firemen and Magic Carpet (Page 77)
- Test N Take - Half page ad with 7 3DO games for sale (Page 91)
- Game Express - Full page ad with about 20 3DO games for sale, mainly US and Japanese imports (Page 97)
- 3DO Testen (Page 49) - Reader asking why they are covering the 3DO and not Neo Geo
Other 3DO mentions
- Page 118 - Next Month - How the 3DO is finally being released in Germany and Europe and they can review it
- Chefredaktion - Hartmut Ulrich
- Chefin vom Dienst - Ulrike Peters
- Redaktion - Jan Barysch, Tetsuhiko Hara, Ralph Karels, Manfred Neumayer, Dirk Sauer, Wolfgang Schaedle, Robert Zengerle
Blizzard Entertainment Interview News
Winter CES - 3DO
Winter CES - Activision
Winter CES - Core Design
Winter CES - Mindscape Interactive
Winter CES - Taito
Winter CES - Time Warner Interactive
Winter CES - US Gold
Return Fire Preview
3DO Testen Letter
Coole Preise Ad
Galaxy Ad
Game Express Ad
Gamebusters Ad
Gamefan Ad
Games Garden Ad
Highway To Hell Ad
Jump N Run Ad
Metropolis Ad
Test N Take Ad
Tradelink Ad
Wolfsoft Ad
- German Magazine
- M2
- FZ10
- Activision
- Core Design
- Taito
- Time Warner Interactive
- US Gold
- Mindscape
- Electronic Arts
- Studio 3DO
- Any Channel
- Panasonic
- Spectrum Holobyte
- Readysoft
- American Laser Games
- Domark Software
- Goldstar(LG)
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Shanghai Triple Threat
- Pyramid Intruder
- Primal Rage
- World Cup Golf
- Panzer General
- Wing Commander 3
- Killing Time
- POed
- Myst
- Daedalus Encounter
- Kingdom The Far Reaches
- Brain Dead 13
- Space Ace
- Dragons Lair
- Theme Park
- Flashback
- Drug Wars
- Space Pirates
- Flying Nightmares
- Return To Zork
- Planetfall
- Spycraft The Great Game
- Zork Nemesis
- Thunderhawk
- Scottish Open
- Dragons Lair 2
- Blackthrone
- Clayfigther 2
- Cyberclash
- Cyber Sled
- Dragon
- Dune 2
- Dungeon Master 2
- Fatal Fury Special
- Jurassic Park 2
- Lemmings 2
- Links Golf
- Loadstar
- Might & Magic 3
- NBA Live
- NHL Hockey
- Powerslide
- Rock and Roll Racing
- Sim City 2000
- Slam City With Scottie Pippin
- Star Trek The Next Generation
- Star Trek Starfleet Academy
- Urban Strike
- Viewpoint
- Duellin Firemen
- Magic Carpet
- Peter Pan
- EA Tennis
- Zool 2
- Micro Machines