3DO Games(k)

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K Total - 11 Releases

Game Region Code Type Developer Publisher Release Date Local Title Rarity
Kakigi Shogi
FZ-SJ0902 Board game ASCII Corporation Panasonic October 21, 1994 柿木将棋 1
Kerokerokeroppi and the Paper Traveler
FZ-SJ6252 Edutainment, Mini-games JASPAC,Mizuki Sanrio,Mizuki June 16, 1995 けろけろけろっぴとおりがみのたびびと 1
Killing Time
First-person shooter Studio 3DO The 3DO Company August 15, 1995 1
Killing Time
First-person shooter Studio 3DO The 3DO Company August 15, 1995 1
Kingdom: The Far Reaches
Interactive movie Interplay Productions,Virtual Image Productions Interplay Productions 1995 1
Kingdom: The Far Reaches
Interactive movie Interplay Productions,Virtual Image Productions Interplay Productions 1995 1
Ghost Hunter Series - Black Mask of Death
FZ-SJ0501 Dungeon crawl, Role-playing game HummingBirdSoft Panasonic 28th May 1994 黒き死の仮面 1
Heisei - Good Luck Calendar By Nine Star Astrology
FZ-SJ4051 Non-game Ariadne Ariadne December 9, 1994 九星占術による「平成」開運暦 1
Kyuumei Kyuukyuu Teate no ABC
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