3DO Magazine Issue 12
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- Full Name: 3DO Magazine Issue 12
- Issue 12
- Date July 1996
- Region: EU
- Barcode: 9771355962039 12
- Cover Disc Yes
- Notes: 3DO Magazine got lazy and basically rehashed demo discs, they released issue 4's disc
Cover Disc

Game | Developer | Publisher | Content Type | Note |
Syndicate | Bullfrog Productions | Electronic Arts | Playable Demo |
- Cover Disc Instructions: Small article with instructions on the cover disc (Page 6)
- E3 96 3DO - Half page article around that years E3, and how M2 wasn't on show, Panasonic did however claim it would be out in Japan by year end with a big public unveiling in September. They are also looking at releasing a "Garage" development kit matching Sonys $1,200 system, rather than an expensive $30-50k Mac system. Panasonic had games on show, including Olympic Summer Games and Soccer, Cyberbdillo, Luciennes Quest, Obelisk and Mortal Kombat 3. Two games that were previously slated for 3DO had been moved to PC, Baldies and Golden Gate (Page 4)
- M2 Dream List - Half page article with the latest title of M2 Titles "In development", ones with an * will be released close to launch: Activision: Mechwarrior 2 American Laser Games: Shining Sword, Unknown Game Blue Byte: Battle Isle Bulldog: Magic Carpet 2 Capcom: Unknown Game Crystal Dynamics: Race Game*, M2 Baseball*, Gex 2 DID: Eurofighter 2000 Electronic Arts: Madden*, Need For Speed 2, NHL Hockey*, Road Rash* id: Quake Interplay Productions: Clayfighter 3*, Descent*, Realms of Valor*, Rock N Roll Racing, VR Sports Konami: Arcade Conversions* Millennium: Killer, Super Bikes Ocean: HMS Carnage, Silver Origin: Wing Commander 4* Williams: War Gods*, NHL Open Ice Hockey* Rage: Striker M2 Silent Software: Return fire 2* Spectrum Holobyte: Top Gun* SSI: Deathkeep 2 Studio 3DO: Army Men, Fighting Game, G3, John Daly Golf*, IMSA Racing*, M2 Baseball, M2 Football, M2 Soccer, Power Crystal, Rush TakeTwo: Ironblood US Gold: Dream Team Basketball, Olympic Games, Olympic Soccer* Virgin Interactive: Heart of Darkness Warp: D2. Also are a list of developers whose games are unknown, these include: Asmik, Cryo, Genki, Glams, Gremlin, Heatsink, High-Tech Lab, Imagineer, Infogrames, Jaleco, Koei, Micro Cabin, Micronet, Pack-In-Video, Sala, Sanai, Takara, Taito, Team 17 and Tomy Tose. (Page 4)
- Capcom Backs M2 - Full page article on how Capcom and Panasonic have done a deal that allows Capcom to use the M2 board for its arcade boards. No games are confirmed (Page 5)
- 3DO Buys Mud - Half page article that 3DO have bought Meridian 59 developer Archetype Interactive Corp. It will be out in Autumn with an option to support the M2 (Page 6)
- 3DO Profitable at Last - Half page article on how 3DO are now profitable (Page 6)
- 3DO World - Full page feature with 2 3DO games from Japan - The Tower (Which they confirm an English version is now not planned) and D Directors Cut (Page 16)
- Coming Soon - Two page list of games coming soon, unreleased games include: Acclaim: - Maximum Surge, Slam City American Laser Games - Fast Draw Showdown, Madison High, McKenzie & Co, Orbatak, Shootout at Old Tuscon Art Data Interactive - Doom 2, Chess Wars BMG: - Loadstar, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Wingnut Capcom - Mega Man X3 Electronic Arts: - Shredfest, Wing Commander 4 Elite: - Onside Goldstar: Firewall, Firewolves Infogrammes: Alone in the Dark 3 Interplay Productions: - Cesars World of Gambling, Waterworld JVC: - Deadly Skies, Varunas Forces Panasonic: - BIOS Fear, C-Runner, ISIS, Mortal Kombat 3, Luciennes Quest Pony Canyon: - F1GP, RunAndGun: - Duellin Firemen Studio 3DO: - 3DO Baseball, 3DO Decathlon US Gold: - Olympic Basketball Virgin Interactive: - 11th Hour
M2 Games - American Laser Games: - Shining Sword, Unknown Game Bullfrog: Magic Carpet 2 Crystal Dynamics: - Racing Game Electronic Arts: - John Madden, Road Rash Interplay Productions: - Descent, Clayfighter 3, Iron Blood, VR Sports Spectrum Holobyte: - Top Gun Studio 3DO: - Army Men, Battlesport 2, Dungeon Game, Fighting Game, John Daly Golf, IMSA Racing, Power Crystal, Rush, Starfighter 6000 SSI: - Deathkeep 2, Star General, Necrodome Universal Studios: - Disrupter 7 Warp: - D2 Williams: - War Gods (Page 33-34)
- Olympic Games - Two page preview (Pages 8-9)
Game Title | Publisher | Reviewer | Pages | Pg No(s) | Rating |
Olympic Soccer | Panasonic | Mark Wynne | 2 | 12-13 | 5 |
Iron Angel The Return | Panasonic | Stuart Wynne | 2 | 14-15 | 2 |
- Olympic Soccer - A whole host of neat touches make for an irresistible game of footie. Euro '96, pah, it's Olympic Soccer that's the real competition!
- Iron Angel The Return - All of the game's energy and interest is in the FMV, with gameplay reduced to a poorly thought out pause between the next bravura cinematic.
- D - Pages 18-19
- Captain Quazar - Game Guru Codes - Page 19
- Daedalus Encounter - Pages 22-26
- 3DO - Don't Play a Dodo - Two page ad with the infamous slogan (Pages 10-11)
- POed - Full page ad (Back page)
- Special Reserve - Half page ad with over 30 games including 11th Hour and NHL Hockey (Page 2)
- GamePlay - Half page ad with about 50 games including 11th Hour and Rock N Roll Racing (Page 2)
- Zone Control - Quarter page advert with mention they are selling 3DO but focus on other machines (Page 35)
- Kotecha - Quarter page ad with about 20 games for sale (Page 35)
- Video Game Centre - Small ad with about 30 games for sale (Page 35)
- Console Connections - Small ad with 12 3DO games for sale (Page 35)
- Solid Gold Games Centre - Small ad with 12 3DO games for sale (Page 35)
- Tavistock - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO (Page 35)
- Paladin Games - Small ad with mention they sell 3DO (Page 35)
- Art Editor - Mark Wynne
- Managing Editor - Stuart Wynne
Cover Disc
3DO Buys MUD News
3DO Profitable at Least News
Capcom Backs M2 News
E3 96 3DO News
M2 Dreak List News
3DO World Feature
Coming Soon Feature
Olympic Games Preview
Iron Angel The Return Review
Olympic Soccer Review
Captain Quazar Tips
D Tips
Daedalus Encounter Tips
3DO Dont Play a Dodo Ad
POed Ad
Console Connections Ad
GamePlay Ad
Kotecha Ad
Paladin Ad
Solid Gold Game Centre Ad
Special Reserve Ad
Tavistock Ad
Video Game Centre Ad
Zone Control Ad
- UK Magazine
- E3 1996
- Panasonic
- Acclaim
- Activision
- American Laser Games
- Archetype Interactive Corp
- Art Data Interactive
- Asmik
- Blue Byte
- Bulldog Productions
- Capcom
- Cryo
- Crystal Dynamics
- Electronic Arts
- Elite
- Genki
- Glams
- Goldstar
- Gremlin
- Heatsink
- High-Tech Lab
- Id
- Imagineer
- Interplay Productions
- Infogrames
- Jaleco
- Koei
- Konami
- Micro Cabin
- Micronet
- Millennium
- Ocean
- Origin
- Pack-In-Video
- Pony Canyon
- Rage
- RunAndGun
- Sala
- Sanai
- Silent Software
- Spectrum Holobyte
- Studio 3DO
- Taito
- Takara
- TakeTwo
- Team 17
- Tomy Tose
- Universal Studios
- US Gold
- Virgin Interactive
- Warp
- Williams
- D
- D Directors Cut
- Daedalus Encounter
- Captain Quazar
- Cyberbdillo
- F1GP
- Firewall
- Iron Angel The Return
- Luciennes Quest
- Olympic Soccer
- Olympic Summer Games
- POed
- Rock N Roll Racing
- The Tower
- 11th Hour
- 3DO Baseball
- 3DO Decathlon
- Alone in the Dark 3
- Baldies
- BIOS Fear
- C-Runner
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
- Cesars World of Gambling
- Chess Wars
- Deadly Skies
- Doom 2
- Duellin Firemen
- Fast Draw Showdown
- Firewolves
- Golden Gate
- Loadstar
- Madison High
- Maximum Surge
- McKenzie & Co
- Mega Man X3
- Mortal Kombat 3
- Orbatak
- Obelisk
- Onside
- Olympic Basketball
- Shootout at Old Tuscon
- Shredfest
- Slam City
- Varunas Forces
- Waterworld
- Wing Commander 4
- Wingnut
- Army Men
- Battle Isle
- Clayfighter 3
- Crystal Dynamics Baseball
- Crystal Dynamics Race Game
- D2
- Deathkeep 2
- Descent
- Disrupter 7
- Dream Team Basketball
- Eurofighter 2000
- G3
- Gex 2
- Heart of Darkness
- HMS Carnage
- IMSA Racing
- Ironblood
- John Daly Golf
- Killer
- M2 Baseball
- M2 Fighting Game
- M2 Football
- M2 Soccer
- Madden M2
- Mechwarrior 2
- Meridian 59
- Necrodome
- Need For Speed 2
- NHL Hockey M2
- NHL Open Ice Hockey
- Olympic Soccer M2
- Olympic Games M2
- Power Crystal
- Quake
- Realms of Valor
- Return fire 2
- Road Rash M2
- Rock N Roll Racing M2
- Rush
- Shining Sword
- Silver
- Star General
- Striker M2
- Super Bikes
- Top Gun
- Unknown ALG M2 Game
- Unknown Capcom M2 Game
- VR Sports
- War Gods
- Wing Commander 4 M2