3DO Magazine Live Issue 13
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- Full Name: 3DO Magazine Japan Issue 13 1/2 1996
- Issue 13
- Date January/February 1996
- Region: JP
- Barcode: T1064681131483
- Cover Disc Yes
- Notes:
Cover Disc
- Cover Disc Overview - 3 page overview (Pages 94-96)
- Panasonic Buys M2 - Small article on how Pansonic have bought the exclusive rights to the M2 (Page 86)
- Start Of REAL Year End Campaign - Small article on how members of the REAL Club will be getting a Blue Forest Story Calendar, and they also have a potential to win a Autobahn Tokio Leather Jacket (Page 86)
- REAL Land Graduation 2 Launch - Article about how Neo Graduation 2 took over REAL Land in Akihabara for its launch (Page 86)
- Osaka International Trade Fair 95 - News around the Osaka show and the Panasonic booth, its had the Dolphin demo on show and was playable, it also had the "latest video" which looks like the Genki demo (Page 87)
- 3DO British Ads - Article around the Don't be a Dodo advert in UK press (Page 87)
- E3 Finally Held In Japan - Article around how E3 will be hosted in Tokyo for the first time in 1996 (Page 87)
- Grand Chef Launch - Article on the Grand Chef Launch (Page 87)
- D Wins Award - Article on how D won an award at the Multimedia Grand Prix (Page 87)
- Final Romance 2 Jigsaw - Article on how a Jigsaw is being given as a promo for the first 2000 people who buy (Page 87)
Coming Soon
Coming Soon Japan (Page 110) - List of games that are coming out in Japan
Ones that never made it:
- HouseKeeper - Hummingbird Software
- World Cup Golf - US Gold
- Clockworks - Tokumon Bookstore
- 11th Hour - Virgin Interactive
- Waterworld - Interplay Productions
- Station Invasion - Studio 3DO
- Casper - Interplay Productions
- Kingdom - Interplay Productions
- Creature Shock - Virgin Interactive
- Clay Fighter 2 - Interplay Productions
- Go Sennin - J Wing
- The Audition - Rainbow Software
- Gem Encyclopedia - Ematec
- StarFighter - Studio 3DO
- 即戦力の定石 - Cant find info on this
- D2 (M2) - Warp Interactive
- TV Pot - Aladdin Studios
- Dragons Lore - Multisoftware
- Naoko and Hidebo The Genius of Arithmetic 3 - Gakuman
- Naoko and Hidebo The Genius of Kanji 2 - Gakuman
- Naoko and Hidebo The Genius of Kanji 3 - Gakuman
- Naoko and Hidebo The Genius of Japanese Language 1 - Gakuman
- Virtual Pool - Interplay Productions
- Battlesport - Studio 3DO
- Panzer General - AMT Savannah
- POed - Studio 3DO
- Special Pachinko Collection - Sunsoft
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Little Red Riding Hood - Elcom
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Isop Monogatari Vol 2 - Elcom
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Thumbelina - Elcom
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Sleeping Beauty - Elcom
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Peter Pan - Elcom
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Pinocchio - Elcom
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Ugly Duckling - Elcom
- Phoenix 3 - Studio 3DO
- Flying Nightmare - Domark Software
- Frankenstein - Interplay Productions
- Hell - Gaga Communications
- Bodyconscious Digital Rave! Part 2 - Trans-Pegasus Limited
- Mysterious Tarot - Jaleco
- Yokomachi 4-chome Ghost House - Warp Interactive
- Rise Of The Robots - Multisoft
- Lost In Time - Coktel
- Return to Zork - Bandai Visual
Coming Soon Japan (Page 110) - List of Hardware that are coming out in Japan
Ones that never made it:
- TDK - NV-RAM Card Reader and Card and Modem Card
- Sanyo - Video CD Adapter
Coming Soon Overseas - List of games that are coming out in the US (Page 126)
Ones that never made it:
- Absolute Entertainment - Penn & Teller Smoke and Mirrors
- Activision - Return to Zork
- American Laser Games - McKenzie & Co, Shootout at Old Tuscon
- Art Data Interactive - Chess Wars, Doom 2
- Atlantis Interactive - The Atlantean Book Of Destiny, Mirage, UFOs are Real
- Cerebre - Eye Spy
- Crystal Oasis - Rad The Rock Hopper
- Digital Pictures - Maximum Surge
- Domark Software - Absolute Zero
- Dynamix - Red Baron
- Electric Dreams - Angel Devoid
- Electronic Arts - NHL Hockey, Nevada 51, Shredfest
- ElectroMedia - Wonder Lust
- Elite - Powerslide
- Gametek - Baldies
- Goldstar - Firewall, Firewolves
- Infogrammes - Alone In The Dark 3
- Interplay - Frankenstein, Kingdom 2, Waterworld, Clayfighter 2, Rock and Roll Racing, Lost Vikings 2
- L3 Interactive - Real Line: An Interactive Learning Cube, The Ultimate Fighting Style
- JVC - Deadly Skies, Varunas Forces
- Meta Design - In Your Face
- MicroProse - Vikings
- Morpheus Interactive - Saturncide
- Origin - Prowler, Wing Commander 4
- Panasonic - Olympic Basketball, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, BIOS Fear, ISIS, Theo The Dinosaur
- Paramount - Star Trek Manual
- Psygnosis - DiscWorld
- Readysoft - Dragons Lair 2
- Rocket Science - Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Loadstar, Wing Nuts
- Runandgun - Duellin Firemaen
- Studio 3DO - Golden Gate, 3DO Baseball
- Universal Studios - Disruptor
- VideoactV - Fun!, InteractV Aerobics:Hi Low & Combo, Planet Vegas, Time is Broken, Tigernaut Beyond the Stars, Toontime 2 at the Park
- Virgin Interactive - The 11th Hour, Dragon
- Vivid Interactive - American Blonde, Ashley Is Cheating, The Blind Spot, Channel Blonde, Hot Roxx, Hot Slots, Intimate Journey, Man Parts, Mask, Naked Reunion, New Lovers, Parlor Games, Steamy Windows, Taken it Off, The Swap, Voices In My Bed, Winner Takes All
- Talk About M2? - Roundtable talk with Kenji Lino from Warp and Hiroyuki Tachibana from Panasonic. Doesn't really go into too much detail, just visions of how the machine could be in the future (Does mention DVD though) (Pages 21-22)
- M2 Technology Is Like This? - Editioral overview of the M2, nothing new and just general specs, but shows a picture of the Genki Demo (Pages 23-24)
- Ladies & Kids - Monthly article giving reviews on what games are good for Women and Children. Ladies games include Princess Maker 2, Neo Graduation 2, Policenauts, Moon Cradle, Sword & Sorcery and Blue Forest Story, For Kids: Eigo de Go! and Ogura Hyakunin Isshu-hen (Pages 78-79)
- For Adults - Monthly article giving an insight into adult games, these include D Directors Cut, JB Harold Chicago Blues and The Tower (Pages 80-81)
- Cannon Fodder - Half page overseas Preview (Page 84)
- Wing Commander 3 - Full page overseas Preview (Page 85)
- Blue Forest Story - Small Preview (Page 100)
- Cyberia - Small Preview (Page 100)
- Tanjo Debut Pure - Small Preview (Page 101)
- Touhaiden Akagi - Small Preview (Page 101)
- Defcon 5 - Small Preview (Page 101)
- Grand Chef - Small Preview (Page 102)
- Captain Quazar - Small Preview (Page 102)
- V Soccer 96 - Small Preview (Page 102)
- Tokimeki Mahjong Paradise Special - Small Preview (Page 102)
- Hell - Small Preview (Page 102)
- Primal Rage - Half page overseas Preview (Page 103)
- BC Racers - Half page overseas Preview (Page 103)
- Snow Job - Small overseas Preview (Page 103)
- Psychic Detective - Half page overseas Preview (Page 104)
- Frankenstein - Half page overseas Preview (Page 104)
Games Overview
- D Directors Cut - 4 Page Overview (Pages 26-29)
- Virtual Stadium Baseball - 4 Page Overview (Pages 30-33)
- Noon Cradle - 4 Page Overview (Pages 34-37)
- Sotsugyo II Neo Generation Special - 4 Page Overview (Pages 38-41)
- Princess Maker 2 - 4 Page Overview (Pages 42-45)
- Autobain Tokio - 2 Page Overview (Pages 46-47)
- Wolfenstein 3D - 2 Page Overview (Pages 48-49)
- Puzzle Bobble - 2 Page Overview (Pages 50-51)
- Short Warp - 2 Page Overview (Pages 52-53)
- Closed Mansion - 1 Page Overview (Pages 54)
- The Tower - 1 Page Overview (Pages 55)
- NOB Neo Organic Bioform - 1 Page Overview (Pages 56)
- Pro Stadium - 1 Page Overview (Pages 57)
- Royal Pro Wrestling - 1 Page Overview (Pages 58)
- Final Romance 2 Hyper Edition - 1 Page Overview (Pages 59)
- Super Real Mahjong PV - 1 Page Overview (Pages 60)
- Housekeeper - 1 Page Overview (Pages 61)
- Panasonic Real 3DO - Two page ad, 1st page has AutoBain Tokio, 2nd Page contains information on an Autobahn Time Trial, where you can enter in over 160 different stores to try and win an Autobain Tokio Branded Jacket, bottom section has 8 game screens including D, The Tower, Moon Cradle, Princess Maker 2, Royal Pro Wrestling, Closed Mansion, Monoshiri Jiyuugaku: Ogura Hyakunin Isshu-hen and Final Romance 2 Hyper Edition (Pages 2-3)
- Grand Chef - Full page ad (Page 4)
- Sanyo Try - Two page ad, including full page of Pro Stadium and 2nd page is mostly taken up by NOB Neo Organic Bioform and snall Taiketsu Rumiizu (Pages 6-7)
- D Directors Cut - 4 page ad, including a page with a comic on and a Q&A (Pages 8-11)
- Short Warp - 2 Page Ad on the limited edition run of the 9 mini games compilation, Short Warp by Warp, it shows a screenshot of each mini game. It says that if you send the game sleeve with the handwritten number on, you go into a lottery to win a prize, it doesnt state with prize (Pages 12-13)
- JB Harold Chicago Blues - 2 page ad on the game (Pages 14-15)
- Virtual Stadium - Two Page ad with competition to win an EAV rain coat (300 to giveaway) (Pages 16-17)
- Royal Pro Wrestling - Full page ad (Page 18)
- Defcon 5 - Full page ad (Page 19)
- Moon Cradle - Full page ad (Page 20)
- Princess Maker 2 with small mention of Sword & Sorcery - Full page ad (Page 106)
- Closed Mansion - Full page ad (Page 107)
- Tanjo: Debut Pure - Full page ad (Page 108)
- Housekeeper - Full page ad (Page 109)
- Daedalus Encounter - Full Page ad (Page 110)
- Final Romance 2 Hyper Edition - Full page ad (Page 112)
- D2 - Page page ad (Pages 114-115)
- Panasonic Real 3DO 2 - Autobahn Tokio - Full page ad (Back Page)
- Sword & Sorcery Music CD - Full page ad (Page 111)
- D Guide Book - Full page ad (Page 113)
- Pages 62-65 - Policenauts
- Pages 66-67 - J League Virtual Stadium
- Pages 68-69 - F1GP
- Pages 70-71 - Bladeforce
- Pages 72-73 - Space Hulk
- Page 74 - Syndicate
- Page 75 - Daedalus Encounter
- Page 76 - Gex
- Page 76 - Overdrivin
- Page 77 - Slam N Jam
- Page 77 - Way Of The Warrior
- Page 77 - Theme Park
Cover Disc
3DO British Ads News
D Wins Award News
E3 Finally Held In Japan News
Final Romance 2 Jigsaw News
Grand Chef Launch News
Osaka International Trade Fair 95 News
Panasonic Buys M2 News
REAL Land Graduation 2 Launch News
Start Of REAL Year End Campaign News
Coming Soon
For Adults Feature
Ladies & Kids Feature
M2 Technology Is Like This Feature
Talk About M2 Feature
BC Racers Preview
Blue Forest Story Preview
Cannon Fodder Preview
Captain Quazar Preview
Cyberia Preview
Defcon 5 Preview
Frankenstein Preview
Grand Chef Preview
Hell Preview
Primal Rage Preview
Psychic Detective Preview
Snow Job Preview
Tanjo Debut Pure Preview
Tokimeki Mahjong Paradise Special Preview
Touhaiden Akagi Preview
V Soccer 96 Preview
Wing Commander 3 Preview
Autobain Tokio Overview
Closed Mansion Overview
D Directors Cut Overview
Final Romance 2 Hyper Edition Overview
Housekeeper Overview
Moon Cradle Overview
NOB Neo Organic Bioform Overview
Princess Maker 2 Overview
Pro Stadium Overview
Puzzle Bobble Overview
Royal Pro Wrestling Overview
Short Warp Overview
Sotsugyo II Neo Generation Special Overview
Super Real Mahjong PV Overview
The Tower Overview
Virtual Stadium Baseball Overview
Wolfenstein 3D Overview
Bladeforce Tips
Daedalus Encounter Tips
F1GP Tips
Gex Tips
J League Virtual Stadium Tips
Overdrivin Tips
Policenauts Tips
Slam N Jam Tips
Space Hulk Tips
Syndicate Tips
Theme Park Tips
Way Of The Warrior Tips
Closed Mansion Ad
D Directors Cut Ad
D2 Ad
Daedalus Encounter Ad
Defcon 5 Ad
Final Romance 2 Hyper Edition Ad
Grand Chef Ad
Housekeeper Ad
JB Harold Chicago Blues Ad
Moon Cradle Ad
Panasonic 3DO Real Ad 1
Panasonic 3DO Real Ad 2
Princess Maker 2 Ad
Royal Pro Wrestling Ad
Sanyo Try Ad
Short Warp Ad
Tanjo Debut Pure Ad
Virtual Stadium Baseball Ad
D Guide Book Ad
Sword & Sorcery Music
- Japanese Magazine
- Kenji Lino
- Hiroyuki Tachibana
- E3 Tokyo 1996
- Osaka International Trade Fair 95
- M2
- Sanyo Video CD Adapter
- TDK Modem
- TDK Memory Card
- Absolute Entertainment
- Activision
- Aladdin Studios
- American Laser Games
- AMT Savannah
- Atlantis Interactive
- Bandai Visual
- Cerebre
- Coktel
- Crystal Oasis
- Digital Pictures
- Domark Software
- Dynamix
- Elcom
- Electric Dreams
- ElectroMedia
- Electronic Arts
- Elite Systems
- Ematec
- Gaga Communications
- Gakuman
- Gametek
- Genki
- Goldstar
- Hummingbird Software
- Infogrammes
- Interplay Productions
- J Wing
- Jaleco
- L3 Interactive
- Meta Design
- MicroProse
- Morpheus Interactive
- Multi Software
- Origin
- Panasonic
- Paramount
- Psygnosis
- Rainbow Software
- Readysoft
- Rocket Science
- Runandgun
- Sanyo
- Studio 3DO
- Sunsoft
- Tokumon Bookstore
- Trans-Pegasus Limited
- Universal Studios
- US Gold
- VideoactV
- Virgin Interactive
- Vivid Interactive
- Warp Interactive
- Autobahn Tokio
- Battlesport
- BC Racers
- Bladeforce
- Blue Forest Story
- Cannon Fodder
- Captain Quazar
- Casper
- Closed Mansion
- Creature Shock
- Cyberia
- D
- Daedalus Encounter
- Defcon 5
- Dragons Lore
- Eigo de Go
- F1GP
- Final Romance 2 Hyper Edition
- Firewall
- Flying Nightmares
- Gex
- Grand Chef
- Hell
- JB Harold Chicago Blues
- Kingdom
- Moon Cradle
- Neo Graduation 2
- NOB Neo Organic Bioform
- Noon Cradle
- Ogura Hyakunin Isshu-hen
- Overdrivin
- Panzer General
- Phoenix 3
- POed
- Policenauts
- Primal Rage
- Princess Maker 2
- Pro Stadium
- Psychic Detective
- Puzzle Bobble
- Rise Of The Robots
- Royal Pro Wrestling
- Short Warp
- Slam N Jam
- Snow Job
- Space Hulk
- StarFighter
- Station Invasion
- Super Real Mahjong PV
- Sword & Sorcery
- Syndicate
- Taiketsu Rumiizu
- Tanjo Debut Pure
- The Tower
- Theme Park
- Tokimeki Mahjong Paradise Special
- Touhaiden Akagi
- V Soccer 96
- Virtual Stadium Baseball
- Way Of The Warrior
- Wing Commander 3
- Wolfenstein 3D
- World Cup Golf
- 11th Hour
- 3DO Baseball
- Absolute Zero
- Alone In The Dark 3
- American Blonde
- Angel Devoid
- Ashley Is Cheating
- Baldies
- BIOS Fear
- Bodyconscious Digital Rave! Part 2
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
- Channel Blonde
- Chess Wars
- Clay Fighter 2
- Clockworks
- Deadly Skies
- DiscWorld
- Disruptor
- Doom 2
- Dragon
- Dragons Lair 2
- Duellin Firemaen
- Eye Spy
- Firewolves
- Frankenstein
- Fun
- Gem Encyclopedia
- Go Sennin
- Golden Gate
- Hot Roxx
- Hot Slots
- HouseKeeper
- In Your Face
- InteractV Aerobics:Hi Low & Combo
- Intimate Journey
- Kingdom 2
- Loadstar
- Lost In Time
- Lost Vikings 2
- Man Parts
- Mask
- Maximum Surge
- McKenzie & Co
- Mirage
- Mysterious Tarot
- Naked Reunion
- Naoko and Hidebo The Genius of Arithmetic 3
- Naoko and Hidebo The Genius of Japanese Language 1
- Naoko and Hidebo The Genius of Kanji 2
- Naoko and Hidebo The Genius of Kanji 3
- Nevada 51
- New Lovers
- NHL Hockey
- Olympic Basketball
- Parlor Games
- Penn & Teller Smoke and Mirrors
- Planet Vegas
- Powerslide
- Prowler
- Rad The Rock Hopper
- Real Line: An Interactive Learning Cube
- Red Baron
- Return to Zork
- Rock and Roll Racing
- Saturncide
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Isop Monogatari Vol 2
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Little Red Riding Hood
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Peter Pan
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Pinocchio
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Sleeping Beauty
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Thumbelina
- Shogo Hirata Interactive Picture Book:Ugly Duckling
- Shootout at Old Tuscon
- Shredfest
- Special Pachinko Collection
- Star Trek Manual
- Steamy Windows
- Taken it Off
- The Atlantean Book Of Destiny
- The Audition
- The Blind Spot
- The Swap
- The Ultimate Fighting Style
- Theo The Dinosaur
- Tigernaut Beyond the Stars
- Time is Broken
- Toontime 2
- TV Pot
- UFOs are Real
- Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
- Varunas Forces
- Vikings
- Virtual Pool
- Voices In My Bed
- Waterworld
- Wing Commander 4
- Wing Nuts
- Winner Takes All
- Wonder Lust
- Yokomachi 4-chome Ghost House
- D2
- Dolphin M2