Andrew Spencer Studios

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Company Type Developer
Founded 1993
Status Unknown
Head Quarters London UK

Unreleased 3DO Games

Game Region Type Publisher
3D RPG Psygnosis, Andrew Spencer Studios


On the press release pack in May 1993, the studio was listed as "A.B Spencer". I cant find alot of information regarding Andrew Spencer (Apart from him creating a studio under his own name), but it seemed he was abit of a pioneer. Before his own studio, he worked on games such as International Soccer on the C64 by himself. There is little evidence the only game the studio made, Escaticia, was earmarked for the 3DO.


Andrew Spencer Studios was a London, UK-based development studio, named after Andrew Spencer. The studio made the survival horror Ecstatica series with two games: Ecstatica (1994) and Ecstatica II (1996). They both use ellipsoid technology to render characters. A third game, Urban Decay, was in development for Psygnosis and used the game technology, but it was left abandoned in favour of developing the Ecstatica sequel and eventually it was cancelled. No information on why the company was wound up, but looks like it was a one man band. He seems to have quit game development after the release of Ecstatica 2 and the cancellation of Urban Decay and currently works as a programmer at the Dynamics Research Group of the University of Sheffield.