Computer and Video Games Issue 179
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- Full Name: Computer and Video Games Issue 179
- Issue 179
- Date October 1996
- Region: UK
- Barcode: 9770261 369086 10
- Cover Disc No
- Notes: 3DO in basically a clearance sale of a large retailer and one slight mention of M2 when asking people to write in. (But still clearly states "M2" as being covered on the front page.)
- Special Reserve - Massive retail list with basically all platforms, 3DO section has about 15 games, and a Goldstar + FIFA and control pad for £99.99 (Page 99)
Other 3DO mentions
- Page 16 of the pull out "Free Play" - Free Play is a pull out section for readers to write articles, draw etc, they ask people to write in over several reasons why, M2 gets mentioned - "Are you going to explode If Mortal Kombat Trilogy isn't out soon? Do you think that Cheesy the Mouse 2 would be the best game ever? Do you still care about M2? Tell us about it! Just write the three things you are looking forward to the most, In order, on your envelope or coupon."
- Editor - Paul Davies
- Deputy Editor - Tom Guise
- Acting Art Editor - Jamie Smith
- Staff Writer - Ed Lomas
- Dep Art Editor - Mike Newson
- Jester - Phil Dawson
Special Reserve Advert