Computer and Video Games Issue 185
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- Full Name: Computer and Video Games Issue 185
- Issue 185
- Date April 1997
- Region: UK
- Barcode: 9770261 369086 04
- Cover Disc No
- Notes: This was the last CVG that had M2 on the front cover
- Telegames - Half page ad, more focused on Atari Jaguar and Lynx, but small mention it sells 3DO too (Page 33)
Other 3DO Mentions
Page 6 of the Freeplay pullout - Mentions M2 in a letter along with other consoles about how fans are "slagging" each other off.
- Editor - Paul Davies
- Deputy Editor - Tom Guise
- Art Editor - Jamie Smith
- Senior Writer - Ed Lomas
- Dep Art Editor - Mike Newson
- Staff Writer - Alex Huhtala
- Staff Writer - Steve Key
- MicroGoblin - Dave Kelsall
Telegames Advert