DinoPark Tycoon

- Full Name: DinoPark Tycoon
- Code:
- Type: Business simulation game
- Developer: Manley & Associates
- Publisher: MECC
- Language: English
- Release Date: 1994
- Region: NA
- Barcode: 790561033387
- Local Title:
- Rarity: 1
- Case: Long Box with Single Jewel CD Case
- Notes:
DinoPark Tycoon is an educational business simulation computer game released by MECC. Players run a theme park which features dinosaurs as its main attraction. The goal of the game is to care for the dinosaurs while keeping the park clean, organized, and well maintained.
Game Play
The objective in DinoPark Tycoon is the successful administration of a dinosaur park. Players start off with a $5,000 loan. The money is used to pay for the land, dinosaurs, fencing, food and employees necessary to run the park and pay back the loan; failure to meet loan payments results in the park's foreclosure. Once the loan is paid off, players may expand the park and earn profits. If players are confused, an animated dinosaur appears and guides the players through the game.
Players then visit supply stores to buy the necessary items for park maintenance. The food store provides meat for carnivores, plants for herbivores and seeds for planting. The general store provides fences for the dinosaur pens, with varying degrees of strength and price; concessions such as bathrooms, gift shops and parking lots; and advertising, which is bought per season. The employment office offers the personnel to run the park, and Dino City retails the dinosaurs for the exhibits.
As time passes, players face problems such as escaping dinosaurs, sick employees, and seasonal attendance declines. The trick is to scratch out enough profit to expand the park with capital improvements and bigger and better dinosaurs." Players may choose to sell their park. If it has been successful, the player achieves an onscreen award and an entry on the top scores list.
You are in charge, and have to do many things, including:
- borrowing money
- buying and selling dinosaurs
- buying fences to keep them in, including electric fences for extra security
- hiring staff, such as maintenance, cooks, tour guides, vets
- building and expanding your park to include things such as washrooms, concession stands, and parking lots
- setting admission fees
- advertising your park
To aid you in making decisions, the game includes these plus more features:
- dinosaur fact guide
- daily records
- quarterly financial reports
- calender
Other Versions
The game was originally released for MS-DOS and MACOS in 1993, and came in two versions, Retail and School, the difference being with the School version is you start with a $20k loan rather than $5k. The 3DO version included enhanced graphics and sound.
A Windows version was later released in 1997.
- Developed by Manley & Associates: Ivan Manley, Carol Manley, John Baron, Rebecca Coffman, Kurt Pfeifer, Robert Ridihalgh, Jerry McManus, Laura Adamo, Brian H. Johnson
- MECC: Chuck Bilow, Barry Mansur, Nursen Bilge, Glen Anderson, Brian Anderson, Sue L. Minor, Ron Helwig, Josef Ling