Ultimate Future Games Issue 3
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- Full Name: Ultimate Future Games Issue 3
- Issue 3
- Date February 1995
- Region: UK
- Barcode: 9771355 728000 02
- Cover Disc No
- Notes:
- 3DO finally takes off (Page 33) - Small article about how 3DO is really taking off, especially in Japan due to Street Fighter, so much so, its at the no 1 spot in the multi-format video games chart
- New Years Revelations - Pages 67-69 - Feature talking about the outlook for consoles, 3DO falls within the "Spoilt Brats" section with Playstation and Saturn. It gets a respectable 4 out 5
Game Title | Publisher | Reviewer | Pages | Pg No(s) | Rating |
Novastorm | Psygnosis Software | N/A | Quarter | 84 | 65% |
Samurai Shodown | Crystal Dynamics | N/A | 2 thirds | 84-85 | 84% |
Theme Park | Bullfrog Productions | N/A | 2 Thirds | 100 | 87% |
Ultraman Powered | Bandai | N/A | Third | 95 | 35% |
Virtual Puppet Reika | HAND | N/A | Quarter | 103 | 28% |
Virtuoso | Data East/Elite Systems | N/A | Third | 97 | 55% |
Waialae Country Club | T&E Soft | N/A | 1/4 | 87 | 82% |
- Novastorm - Predictable +Graphics Surprise, Surprise -Gameplay Surprise, Surprise
- Samurai Shodown - Stir Fried +That "In a fight" feeling -Naff sound, poor graphics
- Theme Park - Thrilling +Complex, involving gameplay -ingame graphics a tad dull
- Ultraman Powered - Obscure +Its a laugh init? -No, its rubbish
- Virtual Puppet Reika - Unique +Five mins entertainment -Shes not right in the head
- Virtuoso - Awkward +Looks quite good -Blokey gets in the way
- Waialae Country Club - On Par +Great Driving Shots -Dodgy Putting, Dud FMV
- Calculus - 2 Page spread, with 1 page being dedicated to 3DO (The other Jaguar), FZ-1 for £399.95 plus a selection of games (Pages 2-3)
- Zap - Full page ad, picture of consoles (Including 3DO), as well as 3 screenshots of 3DO games - Fifa, Need for Speed, Street Fighter and Off World Inceptor, no prices though (Page 27)
- Special Reserve - 2 Page Ad, with various consoles in a retail list, 3DO has about 20+, 3DO FZ-1 is £389.99. Powerslide is also listed as for sale (Page 62-63)
- Gameplay Full page ad, various listed consoles and games, 3DO has about 30 games (including Powerslide) and the 3DO is for sale at £384.99 (Page 66)
- Console Connections - Small ad, mainly filled with selling a 3DO wireless controller (Page 109)
- Game Zone - Small ad with 3DO logo amongst other console logos (Page 109)
- Computer Paradise - Small ad with mention they stock 3DO (Page 109)
- Video Game Centre - Small ad with mention they stock 3DO (Page 109)
- Deep Logic - Small ad with mention they stock 3DO (Page 109)
- loadeD Consoles - Small ad (Almost so small you cant read what they are selling!), Selling some imported 3DO games (Page 109)
- Queensway Consoles - Small ad with 3DO logo amongst other console logos (Page 109)
- 4DO (Page 41) - Letter asking about the M2 add on.
I have just bought a 3DO and I've been hearing things about an add-on. What does it do? How much will it cost? Will there be games just for the add-on? When will it be available?
PS Your mag is wicked.
Robert Davey, Colchester, Essex
The add-on is
currently called M2. It’s
a 64-bit Power PC chip
with all kinds of nice knobs on.
Games for 3DO will take some
advantage of it, but, more
importantly, games will be written
purely for the add-on. It should be
available next Autumn
Other 3DO mentions
- Front Page - Text mention - "3DO Virtuoso - Rock n roll Apocalypse"
- Page 45 - UK CD Chart - Doesn't say which format its on, but potentially 4 3DO games. Picture next to it, is of Theme Park and the caption "Theme Park gets a new lease of life now its out on the 3DO as well"
- Editor - Frank O'Connor
- Art Editor - Lam Tang
- Deputy Editor - Dave Golder
- Staff Writer - Marcus Hawkins
- Art Editor - Brad Merrett
3DO Finally takes off News
New Years Revelations Feature
UK CD Chart
4DO Letter
Novastore Review
Samuari Shodown Review
Theme Park Review
Ultraman Powered Review
Virtual Puppet Reika Review
Virtuoso Review
Waialae Country Golf Review
Calculus Ad
Computer Paradise Ad
Console Connections Ad
Deep Logic Ad
Game Zone Ad
GamePlay Ad
Loaded Consoles Ad
Queensway Consoles Ad
Special Reserve Ad
Video Game Centre Ad
Zap Ad