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Local Name 元気株式会社
Company Type Developer
Founded October 16, 1990
Status Trading
Head Quarters Nakano Tokyo, Japan

3DO Games

Game Region Code Type Developer Publisher Release Date Local Title Rarity
Burning Soldier
FZ-SE0401 Rail shooter Genki Panasonic January 1, 1994 ​ 1
Burning Soldier
FZ-SM0401 Rail shooter Genki Panasonic January 1, 1994 ​ 1
Burning Soldier
FZ-SJ0401 Rail shooter Genki Panasonic 25th June 1994 ​ バーニング・ソルジャー 1
Burning Soldier
GDT-GA051 Rail shooter Genki Goldstar(LG) January 1, 1994 ​ 버닝 솔져 1
Burning Soldier
FZ-SC0401 Rail shooter Genki Panasonic January 1, 1994 ​ 1
Burning Soldier Demo
FZ-JJ9DS-PV Demodisc Genki Panasonic January 1, 1994 ​ バーニング・ソルジャー 1
Scramble Cobra
FZ-SE0404 Combat flight simulation Genki Panasonic 1995 1
Scramble Cobra
FZ-SM0404 Combat flight simulation Genki Panasonic 1995 1
Scramble Cobra
FZ-SJ0404 Combat flight simulation Genki Panasonic 1995 スクランブル・コブラ 1
Scramble Cobra - Premium Version
FZ-JJ9PSC-5H Combat flight simulation Genki Panasonic 1995 スクランブルコブラ プレミアムバージョン 1
Scramble Cobra - Demo
FZ-JJ9DSP-5G Demodisc Genki Panasonic 1995 1

M2 Games

Game Region Type Publisher
Unknown Title

3DO Overview

Genki appeared on the original Developer list in 1993, they were officially involved in developing for the M2 as well.


Genki Co., Ltd. (元気株式会社, Genki Kabushiki Kaisha) is a Japanese video game developer. It was founded in October 1990 by Hiroshi Hamagaki and Tomo Kimura, who left Sega to form the company. The company is best known for its racing game titles.

Genki was started by a group of creators with the motto of "unconventional. People who enjoy what they like gather together and continue to provide "interesting!" and "fun!" to everyone.


In its early years, Genki released games in different genres, looking for its niche. On one end of the spectrum, there was Devilish, a game similar to Arkanoid that was released for Sega's Game Gear and Mega Drive systems in 1991. On the other end, there was Kileak: The DNA Imperative, a first-person mecha shooting game for the PlayStation which was released in 1995 and received a sequel, Epidemic.

They developed two MotoGP video games for the SNES: GP-1 (1993) and GP-1 RS: Rapid Stream (1994).

Genki found its niche in 1994 with the release of Shutokō Battle '94 Keichii Tsuchiya Drift King for the SNES—the first in a long-running series of racing games. Shutokou Battle 2 followed one year later, in 1995, and was also for the SNES.

Within the same year, Genki shifted towards developing 3D games, continuing the Shutokou Battle series with Highway 2000 (released in Japan as Wangan Dead Heat) on the Sega Saturn. Genki also produced major titles for both the PlayStation and Nintendo 64 consoles in the following two years, including another Shutokou Battle game for the PlayStation (known in Western markets as Tokyo Highway Battle) and Multi-Racing Championship for the N64. They also developed Jade Cocoon for the PlayStation in 1998.